The Dave Page
Hey there coach, welcome to my home away from home. This home has a little more head room than my apartment, but I don't think I could move in to this one permanently. Rats. Anywho, stretch out, look around, make yourself at home, and please don't feed the animals...
ME!! After all, this is what this page is about anyway. All egotistical remarks aside, the link to the left is to my Bio page, I might eventually have some pictures up here too.
This is a link to the page that has all of my poetry. Everything I have written from when i started ten years ago to the present.
These are some links to my friends. I've got them split up into two categories.
Mizzou St. Louis
Ahhh, Calvin and Hobbes. I'm a bit of a fanatic in that I like this comic for more than the fact that it was funny. I'll explain inside...
Bit of a sports nut. Baseball, hockey, college basketball, football, lacrosse, tennis......
Ahhh, my movie collection.  Got quite a few, I should start a rental service with my friends...