                             Gary M. Pinkston

Me (the one with the stash), 1969.

Hello. Welcome to my HP.
I hope you are enjoying your visit.

My name is Gary Mark Pinkston. I was born in Oklahoma city in the dead of winter on January 3rd, 1945 during the penultament phase of world war II. My parents became aware of my exsistance in the late spring of the previous year. At this time in history the war in Italy was all that anyone in America thought about. General Mark Clark, commanding the Allied forces in Italy, was in the news every day. Hence, my middle name. This was supposed to be my first name but my mom could not find a suitable middle name to go with Mark, so she named me Gary Mark. Her assumption was that she would simply call me Mark and everyone else would, too. For obvious reasons this turned out not to be the case and so I have gone through life answering to Gary (a name I rather like, btw). Life is funny that way, things just happen. Fate is the hunter!

When I was two we moved to Southern California. I grew up in the San Fernando Valley loving the beach, the surrounding mountians, fast cars, Rock and Roll and the Dodgers (Yes, cut me and I bleed Dodger blue!).

I spent a short stint in the navy right after high school. They taught me basic electronics; a skill which I parleyed into a twenty-five year career in electronic manufacturing. In 1969 I traded the San Fernando Valley for Silicon Valley because that's where the jobs were. I lived and worked there for almost thirty years before recently returning to Southern California to be near my now ill mother. I currently reside in the sleepy little out-of-the-way village of Banning--2,500 feet up in the pass about half way between San Bernadino and Palm Springs.

I am not married and never have been. I am too much the perfectionist. The evolutionary proccess does not produce perfect people. Which means there are no perfect women. It is not thier fault. It is mine, for being far too demanding. This obssession with the pursuit of exellence and perfection does, however, make me an excellent friend and an exemplary employee. I'm just hell to live with, that's all!

Over the years I have added the following interests to the ones mentioned above:

Writing: I am currently a staff writer for the Banning Record Gazette, a small town Southern California daily. Prior to this I primarily wrote freelance features and news articles for Desert Golf, a regional newspaper. I was also that paper's staff photographer and a contributing editor. I have written a number of SF short stories and am currently working on two novels (none of my fiction has yet been sold--bummer).

Golf (a passion).

Motorcyles (sold my last Harley when California passed the helmet law).

Photography (please check out my published photo clips and B&W Gallery).

Film and video production: I have shot nationally syndicated PBS TV shows, written, produced and directed a series of ten interview pieces on art and talent and directed over one-hundred live broadcasts of a weekly community news series.

At 55, I now earn my living from my journalistic writing and photography while working on my fiction in my "spare time." In the newsgroups my handle is "Rabbit" so should our paths happen to cross don't hesitate to say hi. I can be found most often in misc.writing and occasionally in rec.arts.sf.composition, and, of course,

I'm sure this is already way more than you really wanted to know about me so I'll stop here. Thanks for taking the time to check out my pages.
See you in "Cyber-Space".

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