No Stalking!The Jayne Hitchcock HELP Fund 25%
We need another $2,000
to get the stalkers into court
Jayne Hitchcock, also an author and friend of Raymond E. Feist, found herself the target of a "Literary Agency's" smear campaign when she called their bluff on the fees they charged their author "clients." A nightmare of harassment and cyberstalking followed - e-mailbombs, forged posts, Jayne's telephone number and address given out over the Internet with smutty invitations to call her, and finally a death threat to her lawyer. Jayne was scared - Who wouldn't be? Her story was featured on "Inside Edition," "CBS Evening News," the CBC's "Witness" documentary series, "Unsolved Mysteries," "Good Morning America" and "Sally Jessy Raphael Show," among others To read a more detailed account, stop by The Case of the Woodside Literary Agency for the latest updates.
Jayne is up to her pretty eyeballs in a ground-breaking civil case against her attackers, with the generous help of her attorney, John A. Young (who is working on a contingency basis). Just take a moment to think about the effect this case could have on the increasing problem of cyberstalking and criminal activity on the internet, and what the outcome could mean for all of us.
Although John A. Young is working on the case for no charge, the cost of depositions, among other court documentation and files, still have to be paid. Acting as a committee of volunteers working with Jayne, we are asking you to help us raise the money desperately needed to move her court case forward.
Well-known author Raymond E. Feist is one of the primary contributors to Jayne's cause and asks each of you to please help us see justice prevail.
The campaign has already achieved the $3100 needed to pay for phase 1, 2 & part of phase 3 of the court costs and expenses. Thanks everybody - it is much appreciated.
Now the campaign is into Phase 3 and 4 - the depositions and discovery. Already, we have raised just over $3000 total. Depositions of the two defendants will cost Jayne $1,000 per hour per person; in addition to the experts she has hired so far, she will be hiring additional experts to help her case, as well as her travel/hotel costs in New York for depositions, hearings, etc. Please HELP her out!
If each of you reading this message were to contribute as little as $1, Jayne would be well on her way with this civil suit. Please help us, in whatever way you can. Authors, writers, anyone who uses the internet; we all have a vested interest in stamping out the crimes of cyberstalking and harassment.
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Original site design and layout courtesy of ACS and Dave Berger

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