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Welcome to the Geocities Madonna Web Ring Homepage. If you want to join the Geocities Madonna Web Ring you've come to the right place. If you've come here by accident please click to go back. Or visit Richard's Madonna Site for lots of Madonna info.

If you are already a member of the webring, click HERE for the members area.

Before you do anything please read ALL the directions thoroughly.

The only requirements for joining the Geocities Madonna Web Ring are:

1- You must have a Geocities website dedicated to Madonna
2- Have a valid e-mail address

If you meet both of these requirements then click HERE to fill out the form.

After you fill out the form, copy the following HTML and paste it on the MAIN page, of your website.
When you paste the HTML on your site, put

1- YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS where it says ---your email address here---
2- YOUR NAME where it says ---your name here---
3- YOUR ID NUMBER where it says ---id here---

Note: The Webring HTML that you are to copy and paste now comes in 2 different formats.
I prefer number 2. But, you can use either version.

Format 1 looks like this.

This Geocities Madonna Web Ring site owned by Webring Homepage.
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Format 2 looks like this.

This Geocities Madonna Web Ring site owned by Webring Homepage.

Format 1:
<!--Start Geocities Madonna Web Ring HTML--> <center><img src="/hollywood/boulevard/9961/webring/banner.gif"></center><br> <center> This <a href="/hollywood/boulevard/9961/webring/index.html">Geocities Madonna Web Ring</a> site owned by <a href="mailto:---your email address here---">---your name here---</a>. <br> [ <a href=";id=---id here---;prev">Previous</a> | <a href=";id=---id here---;next">Next</a> | <a href=";random">Random Site</a> | <a href=";list">List Sites</a> ] </center> <!--End Geocities Madonna Web Ring HTML-->

Format 2:
<!--Start Geocities Madonna Web Ring HTML--> <center> <map name="geomadonnaring"> <area shape="rect" coords="63,57,138,75" href=";id=---id here---;prev"> <area shape="rect" coords="150,59,191,74" href=";id=---id here---;next"> <area shape="rect" coords="204,58,311,74" href=";random"> <area shape="rect" coords="323,59,402,74" href=";list"> </map> <img src="/hollywood/boulevard/9961/webring/banner2.gif" border=0 usemap="#geomadonnaring"><br></center> <center>This <a href="/hollywood/boulevard/9961/webring/index.html">Geocities Madonna Web Ring</a> site owned by <a href="mailto:---your email address here---">---your name here---</a>.</center> <!--End Geocities Madonna Web Ring HTML-->

As soon as I visit your site and see that everything is working fine, you'll be added to the webring.
Note: You will NOT be added to the ring if this HTML is not on your site.

This Geocities Madonna Web Ring site owned by Webring Homepage.
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Ring created and managed by Richard Mabey
Email ringmaster