Hercules After Dark

Ronan's Adult Fan Fiction Archive

Featuring the
Not-So-Legendary Adventures
of Hercules and Friends!

For a while now, I have been a part of a small group of writers who have felt constrained by the limits of having to make our stories PG-13 in order to post them on most websites. So with the urgings of some friends, I felt it was time to create a place where we could share our stories without worrying about their adult content. This website is the result.


The stories posted here contain adult content, including graphic sex and/or extreme violence. If you are under 18 or if this type of material is illegal where you live, please go somewhere else.

  The Story Archive

  Guidelines for Story Submissions

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  The Beta-Readers and Editors List


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This page was created on April 15, 1998.

Legal Disclaimer: This site is not affliated with Universal Studios, Pacific Renaissance or any other entity involved in the making or distribution of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. This site is purely for the enjoyment of my fellow fans and no copyright infringement is intended.

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