(In order of appearance)

The Star Conqueror Probe

[Body: 18, Int: 2, Will: 4, Mind: 3, Teleportation: 40, Telepathy: 20, Detect (Superhuman abilities): 7, Limitation: Telepathy only allows contact with all Drones.]

The probe has an Attack Vulnerability to Cold at -4 CS. The Probe can also produce an unlimited number of Drones (see below).

Star Conqueror Drones (formerly Starfish)

[Dex: 9, Body: 5, Mind: 2, Spirit: 2, All other Attributes at 0, Cling: 7, Control: 15, Limitation: Control has a Range of Touch and must Cling to the face of the target.]

Attack Vulnerability Cold at -4 CS. Suffers -2 CS under conditions of cold (but not cold based attack)
Attack Bonus (same as Attack Vulnerability but the opposite) (Superhumans): +4 CS

The Star Conqueror Probe arrived right before the Hyperclan invasion. It materialized inside a Blue Valley office building. The Flash went in to investigate and was attacked by a drone (not called that in the comic but that's what I'll call it). It then proceeded to take over the entire population of Blue Valley. Because of its ability to target superhumans, the JLA was able infiltrate the town after the Spectre removed their powers. Batman, who infiltrated the building, surmised that this creature was related to the old JLA villain, Starro. He capitalized on its vulnerability to cold and confronted the probe and the mind-controlled Flash after sabotaging the air conditioning. Batman managed to break the probe's control on Flash and the two proceeded to destroy the probe's computer.

Star Conqueror "Mother Ship"

Dex: 2 Str: 25 Body: 25 Motivation: Power Lust
Int: 3 Will: 14 Mind: 14 Occupation: Conqueror
Infl: 10 Aura: 13 Spirit: 8 Resources: N/A
Initiative: 15 HP: 85


Growth: 20, Energy Blast: 28, Sealed Systems: 25, Flight: 15, Control: 25 (12), Hypnosis: 25, Telepathy: 30, Remote Sensing: 20

Bonuses and Limitations:
Growth is always on and figured into stats,
Hypnosis can only be used to induce sleep.
Control (at high stat) can only be used on sleeping individuals.
Control and Hypnosis can only be used on large populations (thus incurring Multi-Attack penalties).
Control stat in parentheses may be used as normal.
Telepathy only maintained with Drones.
Remote Sensing only possible through Drones.
Sealed Systems only works underwater and in space.

Fatal Vulnverability (0 APs): "Toxic Environments"

About a year, after the alien probe attacked Blue Valley, the main invasion occurred. A Star Conqueror "mother ship" attacked North America, with about a dozen more ships in orbit ready to take the rest of the world. The ship put most of the continent to sleep (except Blue Valley, which it perceived as "toxic" after its probe failed previously). While sleeping, the Star Conqueror was able to take control of most of the populations consciousness. It failed to dominate one Michael Haney, however. Acting on Michael's cry for help, Dream of the Endless recruited the help of the JLA to stop the Conqueror. Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern entered the Dream dimension to rescue the boy. Meanwhile, Batman and J'onn J'onzz formed a plan to stop the It. They concluded that the Drones sent signals to the "mother ship" attracting them to favorable environments. Acting through Aquaman who could communicate with the aquatic creature, J'onn managed to send an opposing signal to repel the Star Conqueror. Convinced that Earth was "toxic," the ships left orbit and fled.