Links to Fan Fiction & other Harem Adventures

HD's Archive

Laura & my fan fiction

Laura's & my harem induction story by Laura and Harem Dancer
A Rocky Horror Adventureby Harem Dancer
Thing my roommate & I would like to do to Methos by Laura and Harem Dancer
My real life story (Hey It could happen...) by Harem Dancer
Kidnapped: A Harem Adventure by Laura
Shopping Adventure by Laura
Laura's Real Life she wishes by Laura

Other's Fan Fiction at my site

Attilla's Induction Story by Attilla
The Sordid Tale of Nuwanda and the Love Muffin by Alexa
Piper's Induction Story by Piper
The Lure by Maia
The Gathering: A Forumland Fable by Alexa

last revised-5/28/97

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