MTB North Carolina
Pisgah National Forest, Bent Creek, 30min from Asheville

Sidehill Trail * Sidehill Trail *
Hardtimes Trailhead
Single Track
Sidehill Loop

This was my first loop at Pisgah. The climbs were not too bad and the downhills through the second half were fun.

There were some huge roots and waterbars to cross that you have to hop, which interested me just enough to move on to the challenge of the BIG IFG LOOP.

The sun even came out for about 1/2 hour and raised the temp about 5 degrees. Nice and warm at about 50 degrees.

Wolf Creek Trail * Wolf Creek Trail *
Hardtimes Trailhead
Single Track
Ingles Field Gap Loop

One of many combo trail loops, this is 11.5 miles (15km) long, traversing 6 different trails and 2 old gravel access roads.

Overall, it's not too hard, but you have to stay alert all the way through. It's really long and took me almost 3 hours.

One of my favorite trails. Nice downhill section that twists and turns through the trees. Rocks & rubble cover the trail in places.

This loop had lots of tricky tech sections, two steady grunt climbs, nice bumpy twisty downhill runs, nasty rocks, a huge log, hard berm jumps (and a dog!!).

Explorer Trail * Explorer Trail *
Hardtimes Trailhead
Single Track

I actually did this trail by accident and found out later that I did only half the loop and missed the best part of the trail... Who knew?

There were other loops I wanted to do, but no time left in the day. I had more then enough by 3:00 in the afternoon.

A nice wandering trail with lots of rock sections and tree roots. I did this more as a last hurrah before moving on to other areas of the park.

Slate Rock
* Pilot Cove Loop *
Yellow Gap Trailhead
Slate Rock Summit

Sign says 3,540ft. Oh My God!! (very dangerous). The rock to the right goes off into space. You'll die. It was a hard climb up through the switchbacks (ok walk the bike) to get here, but as you can see, well worth it. This trail killed me. Very tough.

Looking Glass Falls * Looking Glass Falls *
Scenic Lookout
Pisgah Access Highway

It's too bad I took this photo at about 5:00pm as we were losing valuable daylight. It is definitely more scenic in more sunlight.

This is a beautiful spot and there's a set of stairs and terraces to the bottom of the gorge to view the river valley.

I'll definitely come back to this very same spot and replace this with a summer or fall photo.

* Summit *
Somewhere in Pisgah

Believe it or not, I have no idea where this was taken. I can't remember what trail I was on when I took this. I knew it was on Sunday. Oh well... the view was nice.


sign book Year 2000
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- This MTBiking travel page was last updated December 30, 2000 -