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Product Reviews
Below is a reveiw of products which I used and evaluated.
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Brief Description
Plug in adapter to add lights to your Helix or Reflex
1 = Poor  2 = Fair   3 = Good  4 = Excellent
Installation Ease
1 = Very Hard  2 = Hard   3 = Moderate  4 = Easy
Installation Time
1 = 3+ Hours  2 = 2-3 hours = 1-2 hours  4 = Less Than 1 hour
Tools Required
1 = Special equipment   2 = Special tools   3  = Electric tools  4 = Simple hand tools
Consideration given to functionality, quality of materials, quality of workmanship and product durability.
Based on knowledge of the novice user, instructions play an important role here. When I add stuff I will follow the instructions given with the product as if I had no previous experiance removing stuff from the bike.
Based on actual time from start to finish of product installation
Installation Time
Tools Required
Installation Ease
Product Reviews
If you have a product you would like reviewed E-Mail me here
If you have a product you would like reviewed E-Mail me here
If you have a product you would like reviewed E-Mail me here
Click on name to go to review
Adjustable Drivers Backrest and Taller Windshield
Backrest and Windshield
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Cup / Can / Bottle Holder
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Trunk Lid (inside) Storage Net
Trunk Lid Net
Sidecar for the Honda Helix
Installation Ease
Installation Time
Tools Required
New Listing Category - FUN FACTOR
It's a Blast