So you're thinking about owning a ferret. Ferrets have actually become the 3rd most popular pet in the United States. They are very playful and cute, but there are a few things to consider first:

1. Ferrets aren't legal everywhere. Check with a state official or local pet store to make sure you're not going to get in trouble with the law for owning a fuzzy.

2. Ferrets need shots annually, just like cats and dogs. Make sure that you can afford the doctor bills, as well as food, bedding, and caging.

3. Ferrets are a member of the weasel family. This means that they LOVE getting into anything they can. Are you willing to ferret-proof your house?

4. Ferrets don't get along well with rodents, lizards, guinea pigs, or rabbits. If you have these pets, it may be a good idea to put off getting a ferret.

5. Ferrets like a lot of attention and need a lot of room to run around. Do you have the space and time to spend with your fuzzy?

Those were just a few pointers I should mention. I know it seems like I'm being negative, but there are so many ferret owners who end up giving them up because of one or more of these problems. Just make sure you can provide your fuzzy with the necessities he/she needs, plus a LOT of love. :)




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