?The quality of  a man?s life
 is measured by  how deeply
 he has touched  the lives of others.?
Charles Walcott
This page is a tribute to the men  and women of letters and speech whose inspiring deeds and words were boldly  inscribed as golden epitaph on the heart of men and women whose lives have been  ?touched?.
I believe that words of inspiration  are immortalized in stories of enduring significance, well- crafted speeches, in poems forged by patience and inspiration, in proverbs of wisdom, and even in the brevity of maxims. For STORIES, as you  read them intensely, make you transcend time and space. You can put yourself on  the shoe of your favorite character and act as one. For POEMS can make you talk  to the poet and discover his innermost feelings and touch the beauty of his  imagination that made him organize his thoughts. As you read PROVERBS and  MAXIMS, you are listening to the advice of the wisest King, King Solomon and to  his disciples of wisdom, who in their own right, have their own experience to  share.
This page strives also to unravel  the importance of READING, that is by  asserting that reading is not an intellectual endeavor that is slowly  passing away due to the advent of modern technologies. Technologies, no matter  how advanced, can not and shall not displace reading as one of the most  challenging and productive activities that engage the mind. Actually, reading  can be a very interesting enterprise and not just a ?decent way of killing  time? as others believe it to be.
As you go through the pages, I hope  I have somehow served a simple ?FOOD FOR THE MIND AND SOUP FOR THE SOUL?. Enjoy  reading!
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