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Advertsise here
  You can advertise your competing business and products here over the fuunyface with the minimal charge .For more information on how you will be abe to do so , just mail us and you will get what you want in reply asap .
   As this is a new site , The prices are as low as you can imagine ,you don't beleive it . but ,As it has a lot of great potentials as you may hae noticed , It will bring a promising future for your advertisement . In the bottom part of the page is how we plan to put up your banners .

This is just a demo table . you may contact us to get the update table .

where abouts / timing Once per ten hits Twice per 10 hits Ten per ten hits
First page - Top 25$ 45$ 95$
First page - Bottom 15$ 25$ 45$
Roots - Top 12$ 21$ 35$
Roots - Bottom Free 9$ 18$

Email us to get the most recent pricing .We can also
design your banners or you may get a banner
by your self . No charge for the banner design .
* You can only let us design a banner fo free .