B Division

This is another large division on board the HOPEWELL. The Boilermen of B DIVISION make the steam which does nearly every mechanical job on the ship, After the steam is made by the 13T's, it is passed to the MM's in the engineroom where it is channeled into the machinery to do its work. Working in the forward and after firerooms with their four powerful boilers, the BT's endure extreme heat and humidity to keep steam available for the MM's to efficiently harness and channel to the turbines that propel the ship. Without this division it is certain that this ship or any other ship would not get very far unless the Navy were to revert back to sails or oars.
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Back Row McBlane, FN Baldridge, FN Johnson, BT3

Hathorne, BT3

Kuk, FN

Calkins, FN
Middle Row Neely, BTC Johnson, BT3 Thorne, FN Macke, BT3 Smith, BT3 Vanvynckt, BT3 Porter, BTI Hartzell, FN
Front Row: Ross, BT3 Turner, FN Bederski, FN Kaltenbach, FA Vigll, BT1

Top to bottom, left to right Missing: Davis, BTC; Herrick, BT3; Trent, BT3; Roe, FN; Knudsen, FN; Gamache, FN; McGurn, FA

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