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This page contains the information currently  available on the Land Grants of the Hornery/Honnery Family

If you can add to this information please
email me.
There are a number of references to Peter having Land Grants, as yet, I have not been able to find a map of these grants.
There is a reference [in the Land Grants Book 1788-1809] to Peter Honory being granted 60 acres at Minto on the 8th of August, 1809. Kevin Riley's research found that this grant was surrendered on the 6th of December 1810 and that it was returned by Governor Macquarie on the 18th of October 1811
Research by June Woods, revealed Peter Honory was granted 60 acres in the Minto District by Governor Macquarie on 1st January 1810. The rent was 2 shillings to commence on the 1st January 1815. [The rest of the information has been difficult to decifer due to it being a bad copy, I will set it out as best I can using ?? when it is not clear, and clarify when possible.]
The description of the Grant is:
Bounded on the West side by Chamberlays ?? farm bearing N49 chains 80 links, On the N, by an E line of 18 chains 50 links, On the E by a S line of 48 chains and thence West to the Creek which is the Southern Boundary
The comment in the Remarks column is:
Surrendered by [
there are a number of words not able to be read here] his New Grant of 202 a [there is more, but it is unreadable]
Peter Hornery was granted 60 acres in the County of Cook, Parish of Currency by Sir Ralph Darling on 16th June 1831 with possession authorised on the 6th September 1831.
According to the Government Gazette of 1839, it was "at the Kurrajong near the Cumleroy Road."
The description of this grant is:
Commencing at the South East corner of James Davidsons grant bounded on the North by a line bearing 20 chains east, on the East by a line south 31 chains, on the South by a line west 20 chains and on the West by a line north 31 chains.
Parish Map of Currency, County of Cook, showing Peter Hornery's Land Grant of 60 acres (centre of map)
John Hornery was granted 60 acres in the County of Cook, Parish of Merroo by Sir Ralph Darling on 11th November 1830 with possession authorised on the 31st March 1831.
According to the Government Gazette of 1839, the description of this grant was:
Commencing at the North West corner of James Davidsons grant bounded on the North by a line bearing west 15 chains, on the West by a line south 41 chains, on the South by a line east 15 chains and on the East by a line south 41 chains, serving a road marked along a ridge crossing the farm for the use of back farms.
Parish Map of Merroo, County of Cook, showing John Hornery's Land Grant of 60 acres (centre of map) named "Hampshire".
The Map below shows both grants in relation to each other. Because John's was in the Parish of Merroo (and this is from the Parish Map of Currency), it is not labelled. However it is the 60 acre grant running along the end of the three Grants of James Davidson (they are numbered 4,5,and 6). Peter's grant is clearly labelled.
This Map is my attempt to represent where the two grants would lie today. It is a free hand attempt and is in no way accurate. It is purely for the purposes of bringing these pieces of land into perspective with the landscape of today. John's land lies across Browns Road and Peter's across East Kurrajong Road.
To see how to get to these pieces of land, view the Route we took on our SIgnificant Sites Tour on the 10th June 2001
More Land Grants will be added at a later date, EMAIL ME if you have any information regarding these Grants or any other's pertaining to the Hornery/Honnery Family
This page is maintained by Michelle Hornery
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