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of the HORNERY/HONNERY FAMILY Peter Oonery (Honery)
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This page contains what we know about the life, in Australia,  of Martha Grover (Crop).

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MARTHA GROVER (CROP)........ in Australia
Martha was not long in the Colony  when she met up with Peter. By October 1803, they were in some sort of relationship, with their first child being born in July 1804. This child was given the surname Bradcock.  
Martha's life in Australia can be traced through the various Musters and Census' that were taken in the Colony. She first appears in the 1811 General Muster. She is recorded as Martha Grovers, her status is recorded as "Convict". She then next appears in the 1814 General Muster, she is recorded as Martha Groves, free and off stores. She had 5 children also off stores and was the "wife to Peter Honnerey". She was residing in Windsor.
In the 1822 General Muster she is recorded as Martha Grover, widow, with 2 children, residing in Windsor. Peter is recorded separately with 2 children also (Ann was married by this time and so we assume she is the missing child). It appears that Martha and Peter have separated by this time. It is not clear if the "widow" status applies to her first husband in England, George, or if it was just used to clear up the fact she was no longer with Peter. It is important to note that Martha did not marry again until 1829, was this because her first husband was still alive? We may never know the answer to that question. Martha next appears in the 1828 Census of NSW. She is recorded as Martha Johnson (even though she is not yet married to Robert), aged 50, "Free by Servitude" . She was residing at Richmond and was a farmer.
Martha Grover married Robert Johnson in 1829, with the Governors consent (Robert was transported for life), in Richmond. She died in Richmond in 1843 as "wife of Rob Johnson". She is buried in St Peter's Church Cemetery at Richmond, but no headstone has survived. It does not appear that Robert is buried with her. Although Peter is buried in this Cemetery also. There were no children to this marriage.
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This page is maintained by Michelle Hornery
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