

Dr. Destruction's New Look

Dr. Destruction
"Dr. Destruction's Crimson Theater"

"Have a Horrorfying Week"
Dr. Destruction's Crimson Theatre is a horror host show with your resident host of horror, Dr. Destruction. Every week a new horror / sci-fi movie is featured. The show is like Svengooli meets David Letterman mixed with the Munsters. It will bring out the horror and fun that people enjoy. Dr. Destruction interviews actors, musicians, magicians and anyone interesting and with an interest in horror. In the near future the show hopes to be streamed on the internet or play somewhere near you if you don't live in Kenosha, WI. 

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Debut: December 16, 2001; Milwaukee debut on 13 July 2002
Inspired by Dr. Cadaverino, Svengoolie (Bishop and Koz) and Tolouse No Neck.
Featured in Scary Monsters Magazine in issue #43 - released in June of 2002.
 On 23 December 2003, "Dr. Destruction’s Crimson Theatre" made its debut as a LIVE show, running from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. on community access cable channel 14 in Milwaukee (MATA). Starting on 13 January 2004, a new show will be broadcast LIVE every other Tuesday from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Tapes of those shows will be re-broadcast at various times throughout the following weeks. As of 27 January 2004, the show will be broadcast live every week.
In December of 2003, Dr. Destruction filed papers and announced that he was running for mayor of Kenosha as "Dr. Destruction"!   (this is not a joke.  He is actually running for mayor)


Kenosha, WI 
Milwaukee, WI 

· Official Website


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