

Son of Ghoul

Son of Ghoul
"The Son of Ghoul Show"

Son of Ghoul has been a staple of Ohio television for almost 20 years. Inspired by 1960s television legend, Ghoulardi (as well as his predecessors, The Ghoul, and The Cool Ghoul), Keven Scarpino's Son of Ghoul has managed to honor his roots, while evolving and growing into a more unique and original creation. Today, as he continues producing shows and making a ferocious amount of public appearances all over the country, Son of Ghoul is the one who is influencing and inspiring the next generation!

Debut: 1986 (Canton)
1995 Son of Ghoul debuts on the WAX - TV 29 & WAOH- TV 35
Son of Ghoul's House of Fun and Games premieres 08/28/00
  Son of Ghoul will be honored at Cleveland's Cinema Wasteland Convention in April 2006 - just in time for his 20th anniversary. Members of The Horror Host Underground will be on hand.


Cleveland, Ohio

· www.sonofghoul.com/


© The Horror Host Underground