

The Ghoul

The Ghoul
"The Ghoul"

"Hey ova-dey in TV land!  From Hamtramck to Parma, it's the mid-west’s host with the most that’s better known as “Your King and Leader”, THE GHOUL!"
The Ghoul started his career when he stole a gorilla suit from a carnival side show in the Cleveland Ohio area where he lived.  He went to a personal appearance by Ernie Anderson, also known as Ghoulardi, to meet his favorite TV horror host, wearing the gorilla suit.  Ghoulardi asked the costumed lad to come on stage and perform with him, and he just never went away, Ron was only 13 at the time.  Later when Ghoulardi moved to the west coast, Ron then Ghoulardi’s personal assistant, asked Ghoulardi if he could take over as his persona.  The Ghoulardi name was owned by another rival TV station in the area, so it was shortened to “The Ghoul."

The Ghoul character was created in 1970.
Froggie was a character on the "Buster Brown" kids TV show.
Kc-mart-mah is Hamtramck spelled backwards.
 Hollywood heavyweights Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell both worked for The Ghoul early in their career.


Cleveland, Ohio
Detroit, Michigan

· Official Web Site
· Up With Ghoul Power!


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