Story #2

       "Oh, Boss!" Pichu exclaimed, walking in the door.
"What? Back so soon," The Boss started, then he smiled evily, "Oh, you couldn't find a Pokemon for me,eh?"
"No sir!" Raquel said triumphantly.
"We brought you something!" Diane said.
"What?" Giovanni asked.
"Guess!" Diane teased. Raquel hit her on the back of the head.
"Hand it over!" Raquel damanded. Diane put the Pokeball gently down on his desk. He looked at it.
"Open it!" Raquel urged. Giovanni hit the button and said,
"Go." calmly. The Dragonair popped out onto his desk and looked up at Giovanni, puzzled.
"A... a Dragonair?" Giovanni asked, shocked.
"Yeah! How do you like it?" Raquel asked.
"C'mon, tell us!" Pichu said excitedly.
"I'm... very impressed!" Giovanni studdered.
"We knew you'd be!" Raquel and Diane said together, a large smile sreading accross thier faces.
"I can not deny the approvell of you being accepted into Team Rocket. Congratulations." Giovanni said smoothly.
"HORRAY!" All three cheered as they jumped up and down, waving their hands around.
"Thank you!" Raquel squealed as the exited the office.
        They set up their camp near a stream in a forest.
"Victory, victory, victory!" They sang as they skipped about.
"I'm going for a walk." Pichu told them.
"O.k. Be back soon." Raquel said.
"And remember, NO TALKING! You're a Pichu."
"Pichu! Pi! Pichu!" Their Pichu said, hopping around, doing the best she could not to talk.
"Good. Be back as soon as possible. I'm making dinner!" Raquel proclaimed.
"O.K, O.K, I get the picture." Pichu said as she started walking. Raquel and Diane looked at eachother and-
"Victory, victory, victory!" They continued to cheer.
            Pichu was walking along when she heard people talking.
"Huh?" She asked aloud. She peered through the bushes. A boy with a red and white baseball cap was sitting and talking to a girl with orange hair. There was another one too. He was rosting marhmallows. But Pichu's eyes were on the Pikachu eating an apple and smiling. Pichu sighed.
"Love at first sight." She whisperd. Pikachu heard her and walked over.
"Pika?" He asked, meaning "Who's there?"
"Pi, Pichu." She replied, meaning "I'm a Pichu. I'm nice."
"Pika pi. Pikachu."He said meaning, "Want to talk. I'm bored to death with those three." Pichu giggled and said,
"Pichu pi. Pichu pichu." She replied meaning, "You must be with those guys a lot.
Then he replied, "Pika pi!" meaning Heck yeah! They talked and talked untill it two hours had passed.
"Pichu, Pi Pichu!" She exclaimed, "It's late! I hope to see you again." Then Pichu ran off as Pikachu waved and faded away.
      Raquel was at a campfire, cooking some sort of a soup. She had pulled her beautiful hair back into a blue bandanna. Pichu came waltzing up, humming.
"Catch me!" She said as she fell into Raquel's arms. Diane ran up and sat down next to them.
"What is it?" Diane asked.
"I'm in love!" Pichu exclaimed as she let out a sigh.
"Oh! With who?" Raquel asked, suprised.
"A Pikachu!" Pichu said.
"Oooh! An older man!" Diane squealed.
"Well this is a suprise, isn't it? Let's celebrate with soup and cupcakes!" Raquel announced.
"You know, I really like it being in Team Rocket with you guys." Diane said, out of nowhere.
"Me too!" Raquel replied as they hugged.
"This is going to get mushy. Oh well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" Pichu siad as she joined in the hug.
Part Three