Story #2
Part 3

    It was a sunny day as Raquel and Diane were walking through the woods. Diane was chewing and popping her gum. Raquel was starting to get annoyed.
"If you don't stop with that gum I'll pop you!" She shouted. Diane stepped back and then just popped a bubble again. Raquel grumbled and turned around. Then they started to walk again. Not knowing where they were going they bumbed straight into someone!
"Hey watch it!" They all said in unision. The others got up dusted themselfs off and then started to recite their motto.
"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double." Diane was puzzled, but Raquel was staring at them, gaping.
"Team Rocket Blast off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Meowth! That's right!"
"POP!" Went Diane's gum, she had one eyebrow raised.
"Jesse and James!" Raquel said, starry eyed.
"A talking Meowth!" Diane squealed.
"I can't believe it's you!" Raquel exclaimed. She ran over to them, jumping around.
"It's really, really Jesse and James! You're my absolute heros!" She squealed.
"MEOWTH! Can I play with you, touch you, file your nails, ANYTHING?" Diane asked. Meowth looked at her.
"Um, lady, do I even know you?" He asked.
"Oooooh! You really talk! You really, really DO!" She exclaimed, throwing him in the air.
"Watch it girl!" He said.
"Funny little sweetie! I'm Diane." She said sweetly.
"And I'm a little Pony." Meowth said sarcastacly.
"Here, take this." Said Diane, handing him the largest yarn ball in the world. His eyes became huge.
"For-for me?" He stamered. Diane nodded with a smile.
"Ya know, I thought wrong about you." He said as she threw him in the air agian.
     Farther over, beneath a tree, sat Raquel and Jesse and James.
"I can't tell you how much I've always wanted to meet you. You're my idols!" Raquel said, taking a bite of a sandwich.
are admirable people." Jesse said, flattered.
"Yes, quite the heros." James added.
"Team Rocket's a great team, such a glamorus life!" Raquel said.
"Yeah, untill you meet some twrips of your own." Jesse said flatly.
"What?" She asked.
"Well you see," James explained, "there are always people trying to foil our plans! It's so horrible."
"I won't EVER let that happen!" Raquel announced.
"I like your guts kid." Jesse said.
"What's your name?"
"Raquel." She replied triumphantly.
"How nice." James said grinning. Shelooked at James in admeration.
"Can I have another sandwich?" Jesse asked, innteruppting.
"Huh? Oh, yeah." Raquel said.
"You know, you two remind me of eachother," James said, "two fiery, evil, determent women, with fiery attitudes!"
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" They asked angrliy.
"He, he... just a joke." He finished.
"WAAAAAH!" A wail echeod as Meowth went soaring through the air, into Raquel's lap.
"This girl is the nicest maniac ever!" He said weakly.
"Tell me about it." Raquel joked as Diane ran over to Meowth, picked him up and squealed,
"Let's go play tag. YOU'RE IT!"
"Oh boy." Meowth sighed. Then, a loud,"Team Rocket" echoed out. It was Ash and co.
"I can't believe  your here causing trouble!" Ash yelled.
"But they're only eating." Misty pointed out.
"Quiet you!" Ash commanded.
"We'll have to teach you a lesson Team Rocket." Ash said, pulling out a pokeball.
"We'll have to teach you a lesson." Diane mimicked. Raquel giggled. Ash growled.
"I wouldn't suggest that." James said.
"Why? What's this kid gonna do? The little twirp." Raquel asked.
"Uh oh." Jesse said. Ash sent out Squirtle who then used water gun. The whole group went blasting off. Ash cheered down below as Misty and Brock grumbled and said, "We don't know him"
      The group landed in the middle of a forest, scatered about and landing in many strange positions.
"What was that?" Raquel asked, rubbing her head. James stood up and said,
"That was called blasting off again."

To Part 4