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SHEPHARD, JR. sleep apnea supplies Iraq information minister. Fast-CT scanning was used to study the effects of changes in body position on upper airway(UA) size and shape in 11 awake subjects with obstructive sleep apnea(OSA). Six patients with position(P) dependent OSA were compared with five patients with nonposition(NP) dependent OSA. Scans were repeated in the prone(PRN), right side(RS), and supine(SUP) body positions at both functional residual capacity and end- inspiratory tidal volume. sleep apnea supplies Canada career. Significant group, group by position, and borderline group by respiration effects were detected for minimum but not mean UA dimension data. Significant differences between groups were noted in minimum cross-sectional area and minimum lateral distance but not in minimum anteroposterior distance in the RS and SUP positions. Turning from the PRN to the RS or SUP tended to decrease the UA size in the NP group by decreasing the lateral distance, while the opposite effect was found in the P group. sleep apnea supplies Anti snoring. The results indicate that changes in body position during wakefulness affect the lateral but not the anteriorposterior dimensions of the UA, and the UA behaves differently in patients with NP and P OSA in response to changes in body position. The Effect of Polysomnography on Sleep Position:Possible Implications on the Diagnosis of Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Respiration 1996; 63(5): 283-7. METERSKY ML, CASTRIOTTA RJ. This prospective study was designed to determine if physical constraint due to the polysomnography (PSG) apparatus affects PSG results by inducing subjects to sleep in the supine position. Twelve patients found to have positional obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) during standard PSG, returned for two additional nights of study which no PSG leads were attached. The time spent supine was 56% greater during the PSG night than the non-PSG nights, 195+/-88. 6 min. during the baseline PSG and 125+/- 84. 6 min. during the non-PSG nights (p< 0. 05). Therefore, PSG may overestimate the severity of OSA in some patients with positional OSA. Avoiding the Supine Position During Sleep Lowers 24Hour Blood Pressure in Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Patients. Journal of Human Hypertension 1997; 11(10): 657-64. BERGER M, OKSENBERG A, SILVERBERG DS, ARONS E, RADWAN H, IAINA A. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), is a common clinical condition affecting at least 2-4% of the adult population.

Sleep apnea supplies

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