Today, he is hard at work, once again enjoying or still enjoying good success, as he walks about like a ravenous wolf or lion (Matt. 7:15-20; I Pe.
5:8), finding many willing souls to devour (II Tim. 4:2-3), as they prefer (on various terms) his fake “angel of light” appearance (II Cor. 11:14) over
Him who is the true Light of the world (Jn. 1:9), the Lamb of God (Jn. 1:29), who is also the Lion of Judah (Rev. 5:5).  While they manifest a form
of godliness, they at the same despise the things of God, on His terms.  The denominations of our day are modern versions of the seven
churches of our Lords Revelation.

Hence, Mr. Watchwa, the “reality” you seek is such that different ideas, beliefs, takes or spins on Jesus—the Man and His message—is a
phenomenon that has been around since the very beginning, is going strong now, and is not likely to get any better before His physical return.  
Thus we see, moreover, that these “denominations” of thought are a reality for which God has sought earnestly to prepare us, as opposed to the
common “mis-notion” which suggests that the Christian’s walk would or should be free from encounters with such spiritual encumbrances.  Quite
the contrary, as these are the reality with which every Christian, at some point, in one way or the other will be faced.

How does one find his way amidst the clamor of so many divergent “denominations”, the “road” being so broad, with gates leading thereonto so
invitingly wide?

First, may I suggest, Suleyman, that the wisdom statements of God make for an excellent launch pad from which to begin.  May I suggest
furthermore that these are not idle, pretty words of poetry without meaning or merit, having little or only marginal connectivity to reality.  It might be
said therefore, that God’s level of concern runs somewhere in the extreme, as (Solomon tells us) He is very much desirous that all His servants be
always fully apprised that “there are roads, highways, things and such, that will look good and right to any man, yet the outcome, the objective
accomplished is, or leads only to death (or eternal separation from Him)” (Proverbs 14:12).  Moreover, may I insist also that, the point here is the
central, overriding theme of all that has been said in all the “attitudes” and “denominations of thought” highlighted and showcased by our Lord
both during His earthly walk and during the Revelation “visitation” with John, regarding the seven churches.  The Lord Jesus corroborates this
assertion with His Matt. 7:13-14 declaration such that, “the road or highway leading to ‘life’ (through a right relationship with God based upon
faith, trust and confidence in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ) is one (“narrow” is a KJV misnomer, that should be rendered more
literally) marked by the suffering of affliction and trouble (due to the pressure of circumstances—as we naturally want things or participation in
that to which we have to say “no”, because of our status as Christians—or simply antagonism from people of anti-Christ sentiment; Grk., “thlibo”
=thlee’-bo)”.  Furthermore, the Lord continues, the gate opening up onto the road or highway (that guides and carries us to life) is strait (Grk.
“stenos”=sten-os’; narrow, as in due to the close proximity of the obstacles we must face along the way).  While many are called and invited to
enter the narrow gate in order to follow this road of self-deprivation to life eternal, few will in the end be chosen, by virtue of the fact that few will
ever heed the call in the first place (Acts 14:16; 17:30; Matt. 20:1-16; 22:1-14; Luke 13:23-30; Matt. 7:14)  On the other hand, by contrast, wide
(Grk., “plat-us’”, spread out “flat”) is the gate and broad (Grk, “eu-ru’-cho-ros”=wide, empty, spacious) is the road, or highway leading to death
and destruction (an eternity away from the presence of God).  The expectation and the anticipation of the Father is such that multitudes (of the
many called, who enter the wrong gate, as well as those who don’t heed the call), the majority of all people will choose and take this gate,
following that spacious pathway with little resistance, straight to an eternity in hell.  

Again, harkening back to the Proverbs, King Solomon would have us know that while any man’s choices in terms of directions or highways are
always good and acceptable in his own eyes, we all (churches, the denominations, evangelicals, fundamentalists, etc.) would do well to never,
ever forget that God’s perspective as to the true value of his endeavor may be altogether different, in which case—you can count on it—He will
balance or measure out his spirit (so as to reveal his motives, etc.) (Prov. 16:2; Mark 4:49; I Cor. 3:8-15). Is this not perhaps the quintessential
sub-theme of the foregoing considerations of our Lord?  No matter what the church or denomination of churches—whether the ideology adhered
to be evangelical or fundamentalist or, some amalgamation of both—the measuring rod, the balance and scale, the “dip-stick” used in the
valuation of God’s assessment of any Christian endeavor will always be His own Holy Word, the Bible.  Let me restate, and that most emphatically,
the standard by which God will judge all our efforts (Acts 17:31), supposedly done to His glory (as runners in the race of life under the Christian
banner; as soldiers of the Cross), will not be the Christian world view, the evangelical or any other view point, as rather everything we do, every
“play” we affect—for the cause of and in the Name of the Christ—will be rated directly according to His Play Book.  “In striving for the mastery”
(whether as a warrior or as an athlete), Paul admonishes his young protégé Timothy, “one need not expect a crown, if he has not striven lawfully”
(II Tim. 2:3-5).  So likewise, Suleyman, in perhaps yet another fine sub-theme, the Lord Jesus would have us understand that good intentions
(proffered by whatever church, denomination, evangelical, fundamentalist) will not suffice if not played out in strict accordance with His Book of

Clearly, is it not imperative then—to the utmost—that every Christian begin his own valuation by which to examine himself, so as to ascertain
whether he is in fact in the faith (I Cor. 13:5)—knowing and realizing as we do that the reality is, all these different points of view purporting to be
“Christ” centered cannot possibly be right?  In fact, most if not all, are patently wrong in some key areas of dogma and doctrine.  The chief reason
for this?  Most teachers, preachers, and other leaders within these various camps of ideas have invested heavily in the study of the work of
others (who for the most part did the same thing!) on the various aspects of the Bible, but have spent precious little time perusing the Book of
their profession for themselves!  Hence, what we have here ultimately—within a “Christian” environment, mind you—is a perfect illustration of the
“blind, who lead the blind” (Matt. 15:14; Both the incarnate Christ and the resurrected, ascended and glorified Christ have painstakingly “mapped
and marked” the ditch, nevertheless, He would have none understand, as but that “yet”, most of “Christendom” are doomed to fall, therein).  They
have virtually no meaningful “walk” with God, in which case they actually do not “know” Him.  “Go or get away form Me, you whose life work has
been iniquity”, is the refrain of a theme the Lord Jesus has prepared (not for the non-Christian, who never responded to God’s call to repentance,
but) for those who did respond, only to choose to play by their own rules (based squarely upon their personal or denominational “beliefs” about
the Bible, as opposed to having waxed diligent to see what the Word of God actually said), while at the same time claiming to be doing God
service (Matt. 7:21-29).  By now, my friend, the solution to the “denomination dilemma”, should be as plain as it is basic.             

One must inevitably begin with a simple realization:  “all scripture is God breathed, and is profitable to men and women (boys and girls) of God in
a variety of ways” (II Tim. 3:16).  The solution, to reaping the benefits and finding the “Way, the Truth, and the Life” (Jn. 14:6) and all things
relative thereto, as God has prepared and planted them in His Word, is to “study” (II Tim. 2:15) the Word for oneself and “walk” with Him, daily (A
more apt rendering of Paul’s encouragement to Timothy is, “Be prompt, be earnest; exert yourself, giving diligence, yourself acceptable to
present to God; a laborer—one who toils—unashamed, irreprehensible, cutting straight or dissecting correctly the Word of the Truth.).  There is
simply no other way, nor is there a better way.  By this one will show that he is a man or woman approved of and accepted by God.  While
obviously—for the most part—they do not, all the protestant denominations should be exercising this type of heart attitude.  Evangelical or
fundamentalist, every one and all their ministers should be diligently demonstrating that they know well how to “cut straight” the Word of God,
teaching men to do likewise, as they point all in that direction, as opposed to drawing attention to themselves.  Their focus, the emphasis should
always be the Word, “thus says the Lord”, not their own personal positions.  I pray, Suleyman, this will ever be your position, as you grow in your
knowledge of and walk with the Lord.  

I sincerely hope and pray that this treatise has been sufficient to answer your concerns, Mr. Watchwa and that He will bless your study and stay
there in South Africa.  God bless!