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Homework: 21 |  

#\name Chow, Kelly Kaling Kan, Wing-Lung Lopez Cuevas, Henry Ngnabeuye, Celestin Romero Hernandez, Eliseo Shrestha, Pradeep Soumare, Daouda
If you have questions about the homework you can raise them in your recitation class or visit Professor during his office hours in the Department. Satisfactory performance in this course requires that you regularly complete and understand the assigned problems. All homework must be done neatly and completely.
The questions will be graded on the scale {0, 1} where
  • 0 point for no attempt or answer only
  • 1 point for correct, work shown
To get credit for the homework assignment students must show all their work. Also you can e-mail (hostosphysics@yahoo.com) your solutions, however you should be ready to discuss your replays.
Careful: coordination of lecture and homework should not be interpreted as meaning that the answers to the homework questions should always be given in lecture! A good way to prepare to get the most out of lecture is this: look over the week's homework assignment before the lectures on that topic. What aspects seem obvious? What aspects are puzzling or unclear? Are there words or diagrams that you don't understand? Can you think of some specific questions whose answers would clarify the material for you? When you do this before the lecture, you will be listening for information that you know you will need, and you will also be able to ask questions that will help you. Sometimes you may think that you have understood something, but all of a sudden you may realize (in lecture) that something does not hang together, then you should ask questions, do not ignore these signs of intellectual discomfort, it is telling you something, most likely: I have not fully understood this in all depth! . Getting the most out of our other resources: Ask about things you don't understand; try to challenge me with tough questions; ask out of curiosity.
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