Judy’s 11-Week Update

At 11 weeks I have lost 61.5 pounds. I haven’t been able to exercise as much as I would like, but I’ve been taking care of Hilary since her surgery, that has to count for something!

It’s been a challenge balancing it all. Staying at Hilary’s apartment has been a challenge. The mother in me wants to “change” things. I’ve had to let go of that and remember that I don’t live here. My husband has still been at home, watering my plants (I hope) and taking care of himself. I’m definitely to the point where I am looking forward to her final recuperation and going back home to put my life back together again. My new life that is. I’ve figured out that most of the stuff in my closet will hang on me now, I have to do some major cleaning out. I’m looking forward to unpacking all of that stuff I kept hoping someday I would be able to wear it again. Even if it’s out of style I intend to wear it!! The part I’m most looking forward to is getting rid of the stuff that is too big – once and for all!!

As for Hilary’s surgery… I told someone in the waiting room that I think it is harder on those who support than on the patient. After having been both, I can honestly say what I said was true. There were moments just after they wheeled her in there that I thought it was a mistake. Just because it was right for me… you know all that doubting stuff. Then she was in a lot more pain than I was and I worried again. It was harder to watch it than it was to push that little button and make it go away. But underneath it all I remembered that she’s young and strong and she’ll do great. And best of all her life will be so much better now. Now that it’s been more than 2 weeks, it’s just starting to seem like a memory. Once we get past the pureed foods we’ll be in the home stretch.

I took her to Bob’s Big Boy for lunch the other day. That was a hoot. We ordered an open-faced turkey sandwich and an extra plate. We split it and still left about half of the food on the plate. The waiter must really have wondered since we’re still pretty big women. Oh well, he was good to us and I gave him a great big tip for being so nice to us. Hilary just enjoyed being able to go “out”.

While she was in the hospital we met lots of people in person that we had met through email. The hospital seemed like a college dorm with everyone in different rooms. The staff was incredible as usual. They are so patient and caring. I told one patient who had never had surgery before to just think of her stay there as like going to a wonderful spa where they were going to take care of everything for her… everything.

Back to me, I met with Dr. Igwe yesterday for my 6 week after my last visit. I’m doing well with the vitamins even though I had a difficult time at first. The Iron pills didn’t agree with me. What I discovered was that I couldn’t take all the vitamins at once. In the morning I take 1 calcium (which I split in half because it’s so big – yes I know about the chocolate ones, but this works okay for now), 1 B-1, 1 chewable multivitamin, 1 Iron, 1 B (under the tongue), then at dinner I take 1 A&D, 1 E, 1 Iron, 1 Calcium (split) 1 chewable. At lunch I take another chewable. That seems to work for me. Dr. Igwe noticed that I was carrying a 32 ounce water bottle. He said I should drink 2 of those each day. I told him that 2 was minimum and that I shoot for 3, especially if it is hot like it’s been the past few days. I also told him that I came to a revelation about the water. That the weight doesn’t just disappear, it has to go somewhere. So all of the weight has to come off of me by peeing and pooping. He laughed and said that should be on the internet. So, I’m adding that for him, but also for those who had never thought about it when you’re complaining about all the trips to the potty. How else do you think the weight is going to go away? Just melt into thin air? Sweat? Nope. So every time you go to the potty, remind yourself that you weigh less afterward than you did before.

So on that happy note; I’ll close for my latest update.

Judy's 15-Week Post-Op Update

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