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©1997,2000 Texas Assn of Retinitis Pigmentosa Inc
This page last updated 12/11/97 7:53:00 PM
Created by John Wenberg
What is Support?

Support services are varied and the type and intensity depends on an individual's needs -- ("where YOU are at the moment.") Some individuals just need a listening ear. Many want to know how to find the most information about RP. Others have a spousal problem and want to talk things with someone. Each case is very different from another, but one particular need stands alone: we need to know we are still the same, worthy individual as we were before the diagnosis, and that we are not alone. We can get through this lifelong struggle with knowledge, friendship and perseverance. We will strive to keep our vision as useful as possible and our functional level as productive as we are able.

Communication and Healing

Good communication techniques are the roadblocks to understanding and self-confidence. Without them individuals become isolated from family members and friends. Becoming connected to others with like situations has been a growing trend among groups who attend conventions workshops about their vision problems. Making new friends has beneficial personal and social healing. One such "Connection": "Me, TOO," is thriving in South Texas.

Tools of Independence

The "long white cane" is one of the most important mobility aids to effectively augment safe mobility within a person's environment. However, this tool of independence is resisted by many who fear that using the White Cane, will "let the cat out of the bag." Individuals worry about losing their jobs, their friends, their loved ones. Many persons who need to embrace this mobility aid, keep avoiding the issue until they have had a nasty fall or accident resulting in injury to another person. All too often, a wake-up call of personal need comes after a serious accident.

A Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) augments diminishing vision so individuals can continue their personal household and business accounts as well as reading their mail and various periodicals and newspapers. Various screen colors, models and sizes are available to fit a person's budget. Some can be obtained on a loan basis. Low Vision specialists are optometrists who endeavor to improve the quality of a person's compromised vision by matching a low vision aid with a particular task for a person with RP or other vision problem. The specialist trained to accommodate reading levels with certain types of low vision aids.

Technology has created screen enlarging software to enable a computer user to see a screen without stress and eye fatigue.

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