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The purpose of the Hammer of Thor is to protect the weak, uphold justice, and bring people together through teamwork and camaraderie. We are ardent supporters of order and promote the seven virtues in all our members. We keep track of all the People Killers (PKs) who have attacked the local populace and attempt to bring them to justice whenever possible. We will always help wayward travelers and adventurers, providing healing and support whenever possible. We welcome beginning adventurers into our guild, and will help them advance in their professions quicker than they could on their own. A Guild council that has 10 official positions governs the Hammer of Thor. There are seven positions devoted to the major professions within the guild; each of these positions carries the title of Guild Master (profession). The final three positions are the Guild Master (GM), CO-Guild Master (CO-GM), and Asst. Guild Master (Asst. GM); these positions are devoted to the administrative functions and day to day leadership of the guild. The guild council will meet a minimum of once a month, but a meeting can be called at any time by any member of the council. At least three of the GM professions must be present with either the GM or CO-GM to hold a council. When voting on items, the GM and CO-GM receive three votes, the Asst. GM receives two votes, and the GM professions receive one vote apiece. A majority vote is required for an action to pass. The GM, CO-GM, and Asst. GM are responsible for recruiting new members, the guild ranking system, and the guild treasury. The authority to make decisions for the guild lies with the guild council. It makes decisions on accepting new members, how to spend the guild treasury, changes to the guild charter, declarations of war, and punishment of guild members. The guild council can delegate the authority to accept new members to the GM for periods of one week at a time; the council can delegate no other functions. Code of conduct Guild members will ALWAYS assist each another. Guild members will assist adventurers and travelers whenever possible. Guild members will attempt to recruit others who show virtue and honor into the guild. Guild members will spread the fame and good will of the guild. Guild members will do nothing that will bring discredit to Thor, or the guild. Guild members will live by the seven virtues and promote them in others. Loyalty It is loyalty that holds us together and encourages us to help one another. Guild members must be loyal to themselves, the King, and to the guild. Loyalty brings us together and allows us to be more than we could be on our own.. Honesty The dishonest have no place within The Hammer of Thor; their place is in the shadows. If you are dishonest, you are untrustworthy and will be removed form the guild. Humility The true test of a great warrior is not only his prowess in battle, but how he wields that power when confronted with his fellow man/woman. A warrior who is not humble is likely a bully. Having the power to decide life and death does not make one great, wielding that power with humility however, is a start. Generosity Every Warrior, Magi, Tailor, Smith, and Bard in Britannia have one thing in common. They did not start life powerful. There are many others out there who are struggling to become great. We should all remember when we were starting out much like them. If we show generosity to them, they will grow to be generous as well. Courage Evil lurks around every corner, from Mongbats, to Dragons, to PKs. Everyone must be prepared to fight with their heart and lead with their mind. Courage is not running into a hopeless situation with a battle cry. Courage is doing what it takes to do the best you can. Courage is doing what is right even when you will not benefit from it. Honor Without honor we are nothing more than the beasts that run through the wilds of Britannia. Without honor we are no different from the murdering PKs who slaughter the innocent. You must be true to your word, your heart, and to your guild. Humor Take time to appreciate the fun things in life. When the battle is over enjoy yourself, even a little witty banter during battle can liven things up.
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