High School Class of 1978
Many would connote her surname to an aspirin, and that is how she is fondly remembered. 
Her roots can be traced to her famous grandfather Otley Beyer, an archeologist.
In Hawaiian lingo, Cathy would be a "poi dog", having a combination of races in her blood,
- Spanish, American, German and of course, Filipino. 
It is probably this combination in her which created a unique brain that followed the logic of science,
thus, Cathy was the pet of every Science teacher, from Mrs. Ilangga to Mrs. Buencamino.
She had an innocent cherubic face, and claims to be quiet and loyal,
maintaining friendships with the same group of girls throughout high school.
She left for California, USA right after high school as an exchange student and within a month, she quit the program. 
Later, she moved to New York and enjoyed her single life, meeting new friends who turned out to be cupids.
There, she met Boyet and got entangled in the web of love. 
When their first born was a year and half, they moved to Virginia and since then have settled there.
To prove her loyalty, Cathy has been employed by the same telecom company for 15 years now,
yet, she makes it a point to find time for her family which includes two very attractive children. 
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13 Feb '61
Norlando Mendiola "Boyet"
03 July '62 - hubby
John Norwin "John"
01 Oct '83 - son
Paige Caitlin "Paige"
30 Aug '90 - daughter