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Vuon Tho
Vuon Hong
-Leo & Vicki

If I wAs iN ChArGe oF tHe wOrlD by --Thu'y Tra^n

If I was in charge of the world
I would cancel school on Fridays.
Homework each day.
Teachers, and assign books.

If I was in charge of the world.
There will be more clubs,
'Lots of places to go
And fun for all ages

If I was in charge of the world.
Kids would be able to drive at the Age of fourteen
They would be working already!
There will be as a speed limit up to 75
And they can be able to eat
Whatever they want.

If I was in charge of the world
Us kids would rule
They can meet their celebrities.
Miss school a hundred days out of a year
And no one would care, because...
Anyone could be in charge of the world!!!...