How We Met and Fell

In Love...

The Bear Family story is a very interesting one. I started my family when I was 19 years old and in Northern California enlisted in the United States Navy.

I got pregnant out of wedlock just 3 weeks after my 19th birthday. My oldest son's biological father (or as my husband I refer to him...the sperm donor) mentally abused me all through my pregnancy. He had also told me many lies. The biggest being that he was divorced from his wife. He tried to insist that I get an abortion but I obviously refused and that was the end of that...and of him...Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish!!

I raised Chicken by myself for about 4 months until I met my husband at the Chief's club of all places. He is a wonderful man who was willing to take on the responsibility of another man and help me raise my child. The first time he came to my house, he decided he just HAD to go play on the jungle gym right after it stopped raining. Needless to say, a slide after a rain tends to be slippery and he ended up breaking his ankle after he slipped and went down the slide on his feet. I felt sorry for this cute guy who hurt himself the first time coming over to my house. So, I went to the hospital every day to see him as he had to have surgery on his ankle. Feeling REALLY guilty, I offered to let him stay with me until he got back on his feet (literally). Well, he moved in and just stayed and stayed (Thank God).

About a month later (February) he had to go to Tennessee for school and would be gone until the end of April. Now mind you, we have only known each other since the end of January. The beginning of March, I get a phone call from him and he tells me he is going to marry me. Of course I said okay. What girl in her right mind would say no?? He came back to California on May 21st and immediately went to sea for a week. By this time I was 20 years old.

The morning of May 28, 1994, we got in our car, went and picked up our best friends to be witnesses and made a 4 hour road trip to Reno, Nevada to get married. Neither of our parents knew about it until it was all said and done. It wasn't that we didn't want to tell them, it was just kinda spur of the moment. We had all kinds of fun in Reno, from going to the famous "Chapel of the Bells" to going to our wedding dinner at the StarDust Casino (steak and lobster for $5.99). I even got to try my hand at the slot machines after repeated warnings from my new husband NOT TO GET CAUGHT!! LOL Unfortunately, he had duty the next morning so we did not get much of a honeymoon. We got to "sleep" for a couple of hours and then had to head back to Cali. It was a night I will never forget my whole life.

We have done lots of traveling, with us both being in the Navy and for the first 2 years of our marriage, we saw each other a grand total of 15 weeks. We didn't really "live" together until I got out of the Navy and he got back from 6 months of being overseas on his ship. Our first real experience of living together was in Washington State and I will be the first to admit that it was horribly difficult getting adjusted to being around each other. After 6 months in Washington he finally got discharged and we moved to his hometown in East Texas. In a world of so much divorce (pretty much all of our Navy friends are divorced) it is very discouraging but we hold on and try to work through our differences.

We have made it through 5 years of marriage and I am hoping for at least 50 more!!

See what was happening in our world when we were both born...


Now that I have bored you with my sickeningly sweet story of me and my wonderful husband, why don't you check out the rest of our site...

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