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Interview a Misso

   Ways to make an interview count for something...




The interview is a good way of getting a missionary involved in a Sunday service without having to ask the pastor to give up the pulpit. Here are a list of questions from which you can choose the most appropriate ones for the particular missionary, remembering that it is always best to talk to the missionary before they come for the interview to determine the most relevant topics to be explored.
You could also use questions like these in letters to your missionaries or as research questions in your own quest for service...

  1. At what age did you become a Christian? Did you have a church background? Was there a particular means that God used to bring you to Himself?

  2. When was the first time you ever thought of possibly being a missionary? Were you active in your own church at that time? How did you first learn about mission work?

  3. What were the first steps you took towards becoming a missionary? How were you sure that was what God wanted you to do? Did you have to do any extra training? How long was it from your first step to your departure? What did your family think about it all?

  4. Which mission did you join? How many missionaries does it have in total? How many from Australia? Where does it work in the world? Does it have an emphasis on any particular type of ministry?

  5. Where did you go? Was there a language to learn? What tasks did you have during the first couple of years? Did you work relate directly to what you had been trained for in Australia?

  6. Who are the people you are working amongst? Can you tell us some of the important aspects of the group's culture? When did they first receive the gospel? Are there churches amongst them? Do they have their own leaders and pastors? Where does your ministry fit into the growth of the church?

  7. What are the typical activities of you day? Are you part of a team? How does the team fit together? Do you work closely with any nationals? What particular things have you learnt from them?

  8. What barriers have you faced in your ministry? What were some of the personal struggles in overcoming these barriers? Is there something in this area that we can join in praying about?

  9. How did you children cope with the new culture? What about language? What schooling arrangements do you have? Is there adequate medical care for the family? What do you think the children have gained most from being in another culture? Do you think that your children have contributed anything to your ministry?

  10. Which is your home church? Do you have a larger team of people involved in keeping you on the field? How are they involved? How do you nurture such a relationship? How important is this team of people to you

  11. How are you financially supported? What about the costs involved in your ministry? Do you have a particular financial need right at this time? (This could be a pertinent question - many missionaries are very reluctant to talk about money and financial needs!)

  12. How could we become involved with you personally? How should we pray for you after you return? How will your prayer letters help us in this? How can we become more aware of and involved with the group you are working amongst?

  13. What are the current personnel needs in your area at present? Do you have opportunities fro short-term service? Is there some way a group from our church could come over and make a useful contribution? What steps could we take to make that a reality?

  14. Would you describe yourself as a World Christian? What can an individual Christian do to increase their world vision? What can a local church do to fulfil its role in the world? What would you pray for us?

Prepared by Bruce Dipple
School of Cross Cultural Mission
Sydney Missionary and Bible College
Ph: (02) 9747 4780
Fax: (02) 9747 5053
Email: smbc@ozemail.com.au


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