Like everything in life, there are rules.

- You must have a journal or blog that you update on a regular basis. This is where your entries are to be posted.

- Members are allowed to miss only three entries.

- Sumbit your name, url, and email address using the form under the 'join' link or by email.

- You must link back to this collab.

- Entries for current topic are due on the last day of the month. I will send a reminder to all members a few days before it is due. I understand that we all get busy and many things slip our minds, hence the reminder. Note: I changed to doing entries monthly, instead of bi-weekly. It's easier for all, I believe.

- Specific url's for each entry are to be submitted to me before the deadline by using the submissoin form, or by email.

- While looking for overall good diaries/blogs, aesthetic beauty is not that important. A pretty layout is lacking if there are no pretty words to back it up. So unless your site is a total mess (broken links, broken images, wrITiNg lIkE ThiS, etc.) your layout will not be a factor in my decision. I'm pretty easygoing so your chances of being accepted are pretty good.

[about] [requirements] [join] [members] [current] [archive] [email] [submit]