Concord Bridge has become the focus of Concord covered Bridge Historic area. An old railroad bed and other bridges, in the area have become bike trails as part of the Silver Comet Trail Foundation. The path will provide over 60 miles of trails for all of the Atlanta metro area, a safe place to ride bikes, run, skate, or walk. Other bridges along the path have been given a timber motif. This historic area has remnants from Ruff’s mill, scene of a battle during the War Between the States. There are still ruins of the dam upstream of the bridge as well as part of the grist mill. The Battle of Ruff’s Mill was early in the

morning of July 4, 1864. Brig. Gen. John Fuller’s brigade, moved 1 mile east from the Nickajack Creek Bridge, Concord Road to ascertain the strength of Gen. Hood. Finding it strongly posted. Fuller returned to Ruff’s Mill. Late in the evening Fuller’s men again advanced, supported by Sweeny’s 2nd division and after a bitter struggle seized the first line of works on Gen. Hood’s right near the present Gann Cemetery. The Concord

Covered bridge, spans Nickajack creek in the vicinity of Symrna Cobb County. The bridge is in much need of repairs, I think we were among the last to use the bridge before it was closed for the needed restoration, it will be restored for future travelers. We capture this old car as it was crossing Concord bridge as the shutter snapped and caught it just before it made an exit.




We found this granite marker on Georgia Highway 11 in Social Circle. It is dedicated to the memory of Emma Sansom, Heroine of the 60’s. Erected by the James M. Gresham Chapter Social Circle Ga. and the Covington Ga. U.D.C. 1928.
Emma Sansom lived here until she was five years old. One of her heroic deeds was in helping General Nathan Bedford Forrest save Rome, Georgia from the yankees.

The Covington Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy is inactive




The monument is draped and bears a wreath with crossed swords and a soldier. It reads:

“In memoriam, our Confederate dead”

“The Confederate States of America”

Deo vidice 22 February 1862

The Neppie Hunt Chapter #131 of the U. D. C. is no longer active




Located in the park next to the courthouse, this monument is of white marble. The front of the monument, on the first tier embossed Confederate, above on the second tier is a wreath on either side are the years 1861 –1865. On the long obelisk of the monument is a battle flag rippling as if in a breeze, below is embossed, Erected by Salzburger Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy #1390, April 26, 1923.

This Chapter of the U.D.C. is no longer active.




This monument stands in the heart of downtown Statesboro at the intersection of North, South, East and West Main Streets, Courthouse Square. The town was named "Statesborough", now Statesboro, and is the only town with this name in the United States. The popularity of the "States Rights" issue is said to be the reason for the name.

The sculptor went beyond the features of this Confederate soldier and laid bare the character of an older soldier.
He appears to be ready at a moments notice, to step from the crown of the monument into life. On the large section is a furled battle flag. Below the flag is inscribed:

"In Memory of our Confederate Soldiers,

Reading around the monument :

“How many a story of fame for us, they left, would it not be blame for us, if their memories part from our land and heart and a wrong to them and shame to us."
This is the only Georgia monument that faces south.

" Erected by the Statesboro Chapter #1100 of the UDC, April 26, 1909

The Statesboro Chapter #1100 of the U.D.C. is no longer active.




Stone Mountain is an amazing natural feature that stands over 825 feet high. It is in a dome shape that stands more than 1,683 feet above sea level, and covers 583 acres of land. Since part of the mountain rests underground the base of the mountain is half in Georgia and part in North Carolina.

The Confederate sculpture that adorns one side of the mountain was worked on by three different sculptors. The idea for this carving is attributed to Mrs. C. Helen Plane, a charter member of the UDC. The Venable family owned the mountain, and in 1916 deeded the north side of the mountain to the UDC. This deed gave them 12 years to complete a "sizeable" Confederate monument. In 1915, the Daughters hired Gutzon Borglum. He envisioned seven central figures that were accompanied by "an army of thousands." Funding problems and WWI hindered the start of the sculpture until 1923. By Jan. of 1924 Borglum was able to finish Robert E. Lee’s head.
In 1925 there was a dispute between the sculptor and the association in charge of handling the carving. Borglum left taking all of his sketches with him.
Augusta Lukeman was brought in as the second sculptor to attempt the monument. He envisioned three central figures on horseback, but could not finish the sculpture by the deadline. The Venable family came and collected the deed leaving the carving untouched for 36 years.

In 1958 the Georgia government purchased the land and by 1963 a new sculptor was chosen to complete the job. Walker Kirkland Hancock with the help of chief carver Roy Faulkner fine-tuned the carving to what is today seen by many visitors. It took 8 years of hard work, and on May 9, 1970 the dedication for the Confederate Memorial Carving took place. By 1972, all of the finishing touches had been done to form the famous Stone Mountain visitors enjoy today.

The Stone Mountain Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy is no longer active.


In front of the carving on the mountain there is a very small body of water, known as the reflection pool. The Statue of Valor is on the left and the Statue of Sacrifice is on the right.

VALOR "Men who saw night coming down about them could somehow act as if they stood at the edge of dawn," a confederate soldier shortly before his death. Engraved on a rectangular marker in front of the statue are these words: "So, my son, when in the conflict of life the cloud and the darkness come, stand unflinchingly by your post: Remain faithful to the discharge of your duty". Robert E. Lee


SACRIFICE "The Country comes before me", Caroline Demondes Beauregard. Engraved on the rectangular marker in front of the statue are these words: "The Republic, rising from its Baptism of blood with a national life more robust". "A Union more complete, and a national influence ever widening, shall go forward in its benign mission to humanity". Gen. John B. Gordon

The third granite marker reads: " There is a true Glory and a true Honor: The Glory of Duty Done.—The honor of the integrity of principle". Robert E. Lee




The monument is dedicated to the Screven County Soldiers who went to fight for the south in the War Between the States; l861 - 1865 nobly illustrated Georgia in the field of battle. Their descendants as a memorial of their deeds erected the Monument. It is a statue of a Confederate soldier honoring the soldiers who died in the war defending Screven County and was Originally erected in the small square in front of the Court House by the Screven County Chapter of the Daughters and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. When the Town Square was redeveloped for business, the monument was moved to its current location in the Sylvania Memorial Cemetery on East Ogeechee Street. The monument did not fit in with the revitalization plans for the downtown area. Although the town wanted it returned to its original location an organized group called the Positive Action Committee (PAC) and the Screven County Chapter of the NAACP felt it unnecessary to retrieve this statue since they had other options. Having said that, the monument remains in the cemetery in a lovely setting flanked by two cannons, pointing to the north. This monument is one of the reasons I felt the need to photograph as many as I could find in Georgia.

The Screven County Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy is no longer active.




The monument stands tall on the lawn on the Courthouse square. The front depicts a furled battle flag on a flagpole topped by a battle-ax. Below this is a wreath symmetrically curved around the lettering C.S.A. Then the date 1861-1865. Under this it reads: “Our Confederate heroes” “Erected 1904 by the Alice Beal Mathews Chapter #576 United Daughters of the Confederacy”

The Alice Beall Matthews Chapter #576 United Daughters of the Confederacy is no longer active.

Photograph by: Carol and David Dyches

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