You can adopt your very own 'Anya-ling' here for your website or just for fun!  You do not have to have an Anastasia website to adopt one of these.  We've made them all ourselves, so please read the rules below before adopting.  Have fun!
Right-click to save.

Young AnastasiaYoung DimitriPookaOrphan AnyaDimitri

Banner (Right Click to Save)

Here's the html code you can use to add your 'Anya-ling' to your website. Be sure to change PICNAMEHERE to the correct filename.
1) Don't direct link to these 'Anya-lings' if you're putting them on your website. Upload them to your own server space. Geocities will not allow them to show up if you do so anyway.
2) Link your 'Anya-ling(s)' to this page.  You can use the html code provided above, if you like. If you don't want to use the banner, please link the adoption itself to: or provide a text link somewhere near your 'Anya-ling(s)'. Do not take these adoptions without linking to Anya's Journey, since we made them ourselves. Do not alter these in any way. If you need help, you can e-mail us.
3) There's no limit to how many 'Anya-lings' you can adopt, but please don't take advantage of them.
4) Fill out the form below so we know that you've adopted.  It only takes a minute or two!
Your name:

Your e-mail:

Your website title (optional):

Your website address (optional):

Which 'Anya-lings(s)' do you want to adopt?
Check all that apply:

Young Anastasia
Young Dimitri
Orphan Anya
Peasant Dimitri
Dream Waltz Anya
Dimitri in Boxers!
Anya in Blue Boat Dress
Anya in Pajamas
Sophie (either)
Anya in Blue Gown (either)
Dimitri in Tux
Anya in Pink Pajamas
Dimitri in Brown Suit
Coronation Anya

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© 1999 - 2001 AnyaMuse@aol.com1
Very special thanks to Tsionainn for the idea!