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A vibrant rendering of the ancient Bija Mantras, or ‘seed-sounds’ as used by Tantric adepts for the activation of the Chakras. These seed-sounds (Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, A and Om) pronounced in the authentic nasalised manner of the tantrics, awaken and harmonise the whole chakra system, generating kundalini heat and bringing energy to the nervous system and perceivable vital force throughout the body.

Mantracharya Muz Murray (Ramana Baba) and his students here also intone the dynamic form of the Mantra of - the Green Goddess of Healing and liberation (the Shakti aspect of Chenrizig and Shiva) which energizes the body and brain and empowers consciousness.

Both yoga practitioners and healers will benefit from this selection of powerful healing mantras, which include the Gayatri Mantra for Enlightenment, the Panchakshara Mantra - Om Namah Shivaya - for inner stability and freedom from fear and the almost magical Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra for mental, physical and spiritual healing and transcendence of death. These latter three, performed during the Agni Hotra or Ceremony of the Healing Fire, to the accompaniment of the cracklings of the flames, plunge the participant into a deep state of restorative meditation. These mantras are not only beneficial for aspirants, but are also especially valuable chanted for the profound well-being of the mentally troubled, the bereaved and for those passing their last moments in this world.

A fuller explanation of the Agni Hotra Fire Ceremony, its mystical meaning, and practical application, how to prepare it and the esoteric interpretations of the mantras, (as explained on the Agni Hotra cassette) is also available in text form (see online order form).

Audio Cassettes & Compact Disks

Chanting Music Explanatory Talk & Chanting