Not that you asked, but

here's what makes me tick(ed off)

Just about everyone else out there has a rants page. And, gods help me, I must be a follower (baa). Everyone has a right to their own opinions, so here are mine. If you happen to disagree, you're wrong. And you should probably be beaten until you come to your senses.

Feminists. Do something or shut up. You'll make more money if you work instead of whining.
Marshmallow peeps and circus peanuts. They're so gross they're actually irritating.
Sorority girls. You are ALL individuals. (I'm not...)
Wharton students.Tools.
STWingers. Losers.
Laundry.$2.50 per load. I don't need to smell good that badly.
Princeton. People who choose to live in New Jersey.
HTML phonies.You know, those people who use WYSIWYG editors. Lazy asses.
Van Pelt Library. Leave a trail of bread crumbs...
Bad music.Including, but not limited to most rap, gospel, country, techno, dance, and everything that's popular.
Stupid people.You know who you are.
Noisy eaters. It is possible to breathe through your mouth when eating, ya know.
Republicans. 'Specially this "Dubya" guy I hear so much about.
Dirty bird cages. Hey, you clean 'em!
Frat boys. Jarheads, the lot of em!
Patchouli wearin, pot smokin, dirty hippies. Don't let them sit in your chair.
Bus fare derelicts.Those idiots who either don't have their bus money ready or don't have it at all.
MetroBus.Better than SEPTA my ass.
Bad drivers.Get off the god damned road if you can't properly operate a vehicle. This applies to most women.