Ibn Sina Academy
A Place of Research & Studies on Medieval Medicine & Sciences.
- Aims & Objective
- Inside IAMMS
- Services
- Collaborations

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Aims & Objective

The primary aim and objective of this academy is to promote research studies in the works of physicians and scientists - particularly Ibn Sina and his contemporaries - belonging to medieval period and to encourage and sponsor original research in the fields of history of Unani medicine and history of sciences.

To propagate and disseminate in public interest the useful knowledge concerning medicine, philosophy, science and technology, social and preventive medical science, hygiene and environment.

To inculcate in the masses an active interest in useful information regarding science, hygiene and medicine with its advances as well as the frontier areas of research, inventions and discoveries therein and also to make proper utilization of media for propagation, dissemination and transmission of the same.

To establish dialogue between different theories concerning useful knowledge including the diverse prevalent systems of medical sciences, methodologies and philosophies; and to strive for bringing about adjustment, integration and synthesis and to organize / sponsor educational programmes, seminars, symposia, workshops and conferences as well as to promote academic work of all kinds in order to advance and develop the medical science.

To develop in the young generation, in medicos and medical professional the higher spirit and values of the ethics, dutifulness, brotherhood and selfless service; and for the same to organize different educational, cultural and socio-creative activities and constructive programmes.

To establish, develop, maintain, acquire and grant/receive aid in cash or in kind for various technical, vocational and professional institutions from primary level to post graduate and doctoral level, hospitals, libraries, nursing institutions, dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare centres and for such other similar charitable institutions all over India for the benefit of general public and totally free services to the people below the Poverty Line in particular.

To set up a separate building, library and a museum comprising primary sources in Arabic, Persian and Urdu; and secondary sources in modern European languages.

To publish books and a newsletter / journal of the Academy in order to realize the above mentioned aims and objectives.

To run courses for propagation of classical Indian languages and to encourage Urdu writings in medicine and sciences, and particular studies in Ghalib's poetry and his times.

To collaborate and to affiliate formally with the institution / learned societies in promoting the above-mentioned objectives.

To execute all necessary formalities in order to fulfill the above-mentioned aims and objectives as per rules framed by the Academy.

Trust fund may be augmented with the initial fund or corpus by way of receiving donations, grants, aids, contributions, in names etc., from time to time.

The trust fund or corpus fund and its accruals shall not be used for other than the activities as specified in this deed.

The trustees shall always maintain proper accounts of the Trust and shall be kept at the office of the Trust.

The accounts of the trust shall be audited by a Professional Chartered Accountant having enrolled with the Indian Council of Chartered Accountants