Desktop Publishing, Graphic Design, Freelance Writing and Photography

ICU2 PUBLICATIONS is a small company that can provide the following services:

* Desktop Publishing including development of newsletters, mugbooks, photobooks, and all forms of text media...

* Graphic Design including using many forms of CAD and Graphics packages-even drafting/drawing by hand...

* Freelance Writing including commentary, reviews, non-fiction, news and related stories,


* Photography including Architectural, News/Photojournalism, Nature, Sports, Weddings and more.

All of our work has been used in both the public and private sectors. Our graphics, photography and writing has been used in brochures, newsletters, newspapers, 'zines, and much more. We have done PR and sent Press Releases for a variety of clients. We have even had our work quoted in other publications, university-level classes and even in church services on both coasts!

We only take on projects that personally interest us. We have no massive overhead or fancy offices. We will not use "wizz-bang" technology unless its' needed to get the job done when a few good photos or well-written articles will get the job done. We charge reasonable rates for our services.

We have moved to Newport News, Virginia., Virginia. We welcome old and new clients.

We want our customers to be totally satisfied....and you would not want it any other way either!

Links to other sites on the Web

Our Home City...
Official Cameras of ICU2 Publications
Read a real newspaper-it's good for you!
Quality Radio Still Exists
The best Electronic Media Source
About the owner of ICU2...

Contact us at, or by mail at ICU2 PUBLICATIONS, 721 Daylight Court, Newport News, VA 23602, (757) 234-6294.