First Generation

1. Robert1 BERTRAM birth date unknown.

He married Euphemia PITKETHLY.

Robert BERTRAM and Euphemia PITKETHLY had the following child:


child 2 i. Mary Barbara2 BERTRAM was born in Armadale, Vic, Aus. 8 December 1886. Mary died 3 June 1968 in Glen Waverley, Vic., Aus., at 81 years of age. Her body was interred 6 June 1968 in Springvale Crematorium. She married Harold Vivian JOHNSTONE 14 December 1918. Harold was born in St Kilda, Vic, Aus. 27 December 1882. Harold was the son of Edward Thomas JOHNSTONE and Margaret THWAITES. Harold died 15 October 1951 in Cowes, P I, Vic., Aus., at 68 years of age. (See Harold Vivian JOHNSTONE for the continuation of this line.)

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