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Mantra Sakthi
Para-Tan Healing
Mantra Sakthi and Para-Tan Healing. Tantra

Mantra Sakthi is an age-old therapy which is easy to learn and even easier to use. You can give yourself treatment almost anywhere. The only tool is your voice, your passion and concentration. You can use Mantra Sakthi self-treatment for the relief of emotional related symptoms such as menstrual cramps for women.

You can also use Mantra Sakthi as a means of strengthening and balancing your body’s beep energies for optimal well-being of your body, Mind and spirit.

Tantric philosophers of the East considers the major changes that takes place in the emotional and physical body is influenced by the five basic tattvas or elements namely, earth, water, fire, air, and akasha (ether), The elements are constantly flowing in and out with the circadian rhythm within. The chakras are known as the playground of the elements.

By constantly piercing the chakras by visualization and recitation of mantras, one can transcend the tattvas in the body, which dominates the five basic centers of the body, the five first chakras of the body. In mastering the elements, one will be able to program oneself to accomplish much by using the least amount of energy. Knowledge of the chakras can be a great value to self-introspection.

Mantra Sakthi and Para-Tan Healing

Om in the Vedas and Krim for the Tantric is the most comprehensive universal, non-personal, Divine Sound, and signifier of the Supreme Infinite Divine Reality. The Divine Reality of the nature absolute - infinite existence – Consciousness Bliss. It manifests as the totality of existence, from the external most physical to the internal most spiritual, on four cosmic planes, Macrocosmic (Universal) as well as Microcosmic (Individual)

The Gross or Physical
The subtle or Psychical
The Potential or Casual
The transcendental or meta-phenomenal, which is the source of the first three.

The Macrocosm, which is represented by all the above four cosmic planes, and the Microcosm or the individual unit which is a part of it, and is the same as it is. As the seed of a tree is a very minor part of the tree, without any similarity to it, all the elements and ingredients of the whole tree are lying latent within thin every seed. Similarly, each individual being though apparently an insignificant part of the Brahmanda, contains the potentiality of the entire four planes of existence of Ananta-sat-cit-ananda, which all can manifest in due course through Tantra, and find affinity and unity on each Cosmic plane, through identifying with it through Para-Tan or Mantra Sakthi.

Mantra is primarily an auditory or sound symbol. It represents all the four planes of the supreme infinite divine reality, both macrocosmically and microcosmically.

All our experiences of entities and ideas in all the states of consciousness are represented by words, and they are so fused together that we cannot recall of think of any entity or idea without words. Words are made up of unit-sounds, such as are denoted by A to Z of the alphabet in English. With this sounds we form all our words and concepts, not only does sound effect the mind, it also effect all our planes of existence, as such it is important that we take responsibility for the word that we use, as it also effect our psychic well being.

It is ironical that people who professes to know and share the knowledge of the Maha Vidya, is also seen to use words in a Negative manner so freely. Negative thought only appears from the mouth of a person, who lives a negative life.

The sound OM, in Sanskrit when “a” and “u” are combined, it gives us the sound “o” as in go, and adding “m” to it we get the word OM. A U M, known as Matras or phonetic constituents of Om, are symbolic not only of the beginning, middle, and the end of all the words, and of the entities and concepts represented by them, but all the worlds as well for purpose of meditation. They represent the three planes of Bhuh (the gross plane), Bhuvah (the subtle plane) and Svah (the casual plane) and the corresponding Microcosmic states.

When Om or Hrim is uttered mystically, the inarticulate humming sound that lingers (as after a gong is sounded or like waves of the sea) designated as the Ardha-matra or a matra represents the absolute beyond the worlds of the forth plane. The lingering of sound within helps to disperse the cells in our body, thus preventing us being infected from all common form of emotionally related illness.

The sound of AUM or KRIM is symbolic of the entire existence, phenomenal as well as the noumenal, Macrocosmic as well as the Microcosmic, Personal Sakthi as well as Impersonal or Trans-personal Atman.

Mantras of the Divine Mother are the greatest prayer mantra that bonds the Microcosmic to the Macrocosmic. It is a prayer to the supreme infinite Divine Reality for the enlightenment of the intelligence of all human beings to enable them to realize the Supreme truth

Para-Tan Sound healing uses the Mantras of the Divine Mothers who reside within the Sricakra, who are also with us, as Macrocosmic so is the Microcosmic; as such, we worship the Divine Mother within all. The Divine Mother blessed me with the knowledge, as and when the need arises, as such the knowledge keep growing when genuine spiritual aspirants keep seek her help. She instructs me with what is needed for each person, and the instruction comes available when the Divine romance between Siva and Sakthi takes place. This stage can only manifest when both the Giver and Receiver are free from ego and thoughts, and just flow with the energy of the worship. When the Giver worships the Receiver, the Giver must meditate on the Receiver as the Sricakra, the symbol of the Divine Mother, and Receiver must enjoy the honoring offered, and be mindless and graceful. The ego and the mind can prevent the Receiver from getting the full effect of the puja offer to her or him.

Sending all of you my love and light


Sri Param Eswaran


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Last modified: May 18, 2004