portfolio of freelance India web designer, graphic designer, website designer from Mumbai
  • freelance web designer in India

  • freelance graphic designer in India

freelance web designer, graphic designer, website designer India Mumbai
web design, graphic design India, Mumbai, freelance
web designer, graphic designer, website designer portfolio, India, bombay
Indian web designer, grahic designer, web site designer, freelancer, Mumbai
portfolio of indian web designer, graphics designer, websites designer, freelance from india, Mumbai
web design, graphic design, website design, web hosting & web site maintainence services
Indian freelance web designer, graphic designer, website designer
websites designed by freelance web designer, graphic designer India, bombay
freelance graphic designer in india, webpage buttons
freelance  web designer in india, webpage templates
web designing, graphic designing, website designing tutorials
art from freelance web designer, graphic designer, website designer Indian Mumbai

Send your feedback, project inquiries and comments at:

freelance Indian graphic designer, freelance web designer in India, freelance web designer Mumbai

useful links

my wildlife pictures

Site map for the website

index.html - opening page of the website with a flash intro

home.html - homepage of the website, listing & explaining in details the services offered along with the turnover period & other details

graphic designer.html - a complete detailed list of graphic designing services offered by me.

adobe.html & adobe2.html - These 2 pages show a lot of samples of my work & projects completed. These are graphic designs done in photoshop. Samples of CD cover, magazine cover, logos, web banners, blow ups for showrooms, brochures, visiting cards, business cards, website titles, print ads etc

flash.html - Samples of my work in flash.These include flash intros for websites, flash banners, small flash films etc

logos.html - Samples of a few logos designed by me, both for the web & print

websites.html - Snapshots & links to some websites designed by me

corel.html - logos, greeting cards, web banners & other illustratins done by me in coreldraw

greetings.html & greetings2.html - Greeting cards designed by me- both animated & non-animated, mainly on Indian themes & also a few for international themes

tutorials.html - Some interesting tutorials from me in photoshop & flash

art.html - pictures of some paintings done by me on different media like oil-on-canvas, glass, fabric etc. Themes are Mughal, nature & wildlife & women.

buttons.html - Some designer animated as well as non-animated buttons which can be used on websites

templates.html -Some webpage templates and backgrounds designer by me

useful links

Sitemap & Portfolio: e-greetings  photoshop   flash   coreldraw   logos   websites graphic design  buttons  templates

home | portfolio | must see | tips and tutorials | my art gallery |

© 2005.The owner of all photography, graphics, and design on this site is indianwebartist-freelance web designer & freelance graphic designer from India, Mumbai. All rights reserved, unless specific permission is granted in writing

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