
Ariga's Israeli-Palestinian Human Rights and Peace Groups
Birzeit University's Complete guide to Palestine's Websites
Common Dreams
Directory of civic education, human rights and democracy non-governmental organizations in Palestine
ITTIJAH's Links Page
MIFTAH's Links Page
Organizations affiliated with CPRR's Right of Return Campaign
The Palestine Directory
The Palestinians Webring

Media and Informational

Ali Abunimah's Bitter Pill
Palestine Web Resources (James Longley) -- with a link to the "Gaza Strip" documentary film site
Al Nakba
A Personal Diary of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict (Nigel Parry)
Arab-American Affairs: The News Circle Publishing House
Arabic Media Internet Network (Al-Amin)
ArabNet: The Resource for the Arab World in the Middle East and North Africa
Arabview: The Internet Home of Independent Arab Opinions
Cafe Arabica
Dear Diary by Muna Hamzeh-Muhaisen
Deir Yassin Remembered
Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)
Falasteen Electronic Newspaper (in Arabic)
Hanthala Palestine
Independent Media Center (IMC) in Israel
Intifada Encyclopedia - Photos and Biographies
Islamic Media Watch (IMW)
Media Monitors Network (MNN)
Middle East International Magazine
Middle East News Online
Mid-East Realities
Middle East, Zionism, Peace, Iraq
On the ground in Ramallah (reports from a town become a battlefield)
Palestine - Home of History
Palestine Media Watch
Palestine Monitor
Palestine Net: Land People and Culture
Ramallah Online
Real Faces: Candid photos and articles about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
Salam Review: An electronic magazine about the struggle for peace and justice in the Middle East
September 2000 Clashes Information Center (and mirror site)
The Alternative Information Center
The Arab American Media Oasis
The Country of Palestine: the most complete resource web site on the internet
The Electronic Intifada
The Independent Palestinian Information Network (INFOPAL)
The Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)
The Intifada website
The Nation of Palestine in Cyberspace (Cyber Palestine)
The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict (an excellent primer)
The Palestine Chronicle: News and Commentary from Palestine
The Palestine-Israel Journal
The Palestine Oasis
The Palestine Times
The Palestine Report Online
The Palestinian Information Center (PIC)
The Story of Palestine
Voice of Palestine Live
WBAI Radio Tahrir: The radio-magazine of the Arab/Muslim peoples
Zionism and Israeli Apartheid

Legal and Human Rights

Amnesty International Online
Amnesty International USA
Arab Human Rights Netcenter
B'Tselem (Isreali Human Rights Group)
Humanity On Hold
Human Rights Action Project at Birzeit University
Human Rights Watch
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH)
International Women's Human Rights Organization (MADRE)
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (LCHR)
Palestinian Human Rights Organization (AL-HAQ)
Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) - Israel
Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association (ADDAMEER)
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR)
Speak Truth to Power (an organization dedicated to the promotion of human rights awareness)
The American Bar Association (ABA)
The Arab Association for Human Rights (HRA) - Nazareth
The Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law
The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories (B'TSELEM)
The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (Adalah)
The National Lawyers Guild (NLG)
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)
The Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG)
The Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizen's Rights
The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH)
The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights & the Environment (LAW)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Women's Institute for Leadership and Development for Human Rights

Refugees and Social Rights

Union of Arab Community Based Associations (ITTIJAH)
American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)
Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA)
International Observatory for Palestinian Affairs (OIAP)
Council for Palestinian Restitution and Repatriation (CPRR)
The Palestine Return Centre (Dr. Salman Abu Sitta)
Grassroots International's Palestine Campaign
Najdeh Association
The Palestinian Diaspora and Refugee Centre (Shaml)
United Palestinian Appeal (UPA)
Dheisheh Refugee Camp (Accross Borders)
International Action Center (IAC)
The Canadian-Palestinian Educational Exchange (CEPAL)
CEPAL’s Partners in the Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon
Interaction: American Council for Voluntary International Action
Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Refugee & Residency Rights
American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)
Search for Justice and Equality in Israel/Palestine
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
The Arab Women's Solidarity Association (AWSA)
Women's Affairs Technical Committee in Palestine
Defense for Children International (DCI)
Gaza Community Mental Health Program (GCMHP)
Coalition on Human Needs
Connie Hogarth Center for Social Action
Just Act: Youth Action for Global Justice
Grassroots International
Global Exchange
Save the Children
Eye to Eye: Young Palestinian refugees tell their stories with photographs
Truth, Justice and Human Rights in the Middle East
The Near East Foundation
Health Development Information and Policy Institute (HDIP)
The Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees (UPMRC)
The Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF)
The National Arab American Medical Association (NAAMA)
The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF)
The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)
Land and Water Establishment (LAWE)
Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP)
The Democracy and Workers' Rights Center
The Refugee Working Group (Fafo, Institute of applied Social Science)
Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI)
Palestine Aid Society of Ann Arbor (PAS)
International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD)
SEARCH for Justice and Equality in Palestine/Israel
Democratic Socialists of America
Freedom Socialist Party
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
International Socialist Organization
The National Democratic Assembly (BALAD)
Israel, the Occupied West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Palestinian Authority Territories
The Nonviolence Web: A Guide to the Contemporary Peace Movement
The People's Rights Fund (tax free contribution channel)
The Black Radical Congress
Middle East Crisis Committee
War Resisters League
Vieques Support Campaign
Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence


Israel Defense Forces (IDF)
Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Palestinian National Authority (PNC)
Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees (UNCHR)
United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine (UNISPAL)
United Nations Question of Palestine Home Page
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
United Nations System in Lebanon


Al-Aqsa Association for Islamic holy sites in Israel
American Muslims for Global Peace and Justice
American Muslims for Jerusalem (AMJ)
Arab American Roman Catholic Community (Al Bushra)
Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)
Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center (Sabeel)
Ecumenical Peace Institute/CALC
Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation
Islamic American Relief Agency (IARA)
Islamic Association For Palestine (IAP)
Jewish Peace Fellowship
Jews Against the Occupation (JATO)
Jews for Justice in the Middle East
Jews Not Zionists
Latin American Muslim Unity
Muslim American Society (MAS)
Not In My Name Coalition (anti-zionist Jews)
Secular Humanistic Jews
The American Muslim Council (AMC)
The Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC)
The Christian Peacemaker Teams
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
The Holy Land Trust
The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)

Academic and Research

Al-Mashriq (The Levant) Palestine Page
Birzeit University
Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin
Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine
Columbia University: Israel-Palestine Relations and the Middle East Peace Process
European Institute for Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation (MEDEA)
Hebron Institute for Political and Religious Studies
Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre (JMCC)
Middle East Reasearch and Information Project (MERIP)
Palestine Economic Forum
Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS)
Palestine Information Center (AL-QUDS)
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS)
Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA)
Palestinian Refugee ResearchNet
The American Committee on Jerusalem (ACJ)
The Brecht Forum
The Edward Said Archive (TESA)
The Institute For Palestine Studies (IPS)
The Harvard University Center for Middle Eastern Studies
The Hebron Institute for Political and Religious Studies (HIPRS)
The Journal of Palestine Studies (JPS)
The Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre
The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
Trans-Arab Research Institute (TARI)

Other Organizations

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
Americans for Middle East Understanding (AMEU)
The Arab American Action Network (AAAN)
The Arab Society Of Princeton
Arab-American Young Professionals (AAYP)
The Arab American Institute (AAI)
The Arab American University Graduates (AAUG)
The Union of Arab Student Associations (UASA)
The Arab-American Cultural & Community Center (ACC)
The National Association of Arab Americans (NAAA)
The Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services
The Arab Resource Center For Popular Arts (Al-Jana)
US Arab American Chamber of Commerce
National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC)
The Princeton Arab Society
The Arab American Center for Dialogue (Al-Hewar)
The American Arab Scientific Society (AMASS)
Americans & Palestinians for Peace (AMPAL)
The Palestinian Scientists and Technologists Abroad (PALESTA)
Palestine Web Community
Palestinians in Canada Web Community
Friends of Sabeel-North America
Friends for Palestine in Memphis
The Palestinian Center for Rapprochement between People - Beit Sahour
Lebanese Women's Association
Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism
The Palestinian Association for Cultural Exchange (PACE)
Jerusalem 2000
The Taybeh Society
The Birzeit Society
Turath, Columbia's North African and Middle Eastern Club
American Federation of Ramallah Palestine
The Arab World Geographer, Toronto, Canada
Anti-War Committee - Minnesota
Palestinian Expatriate Professional Program (PEPP)
Popular Art Centre (Al-Bireh)
Open Tent Middle East Coalition
MidEast Citizen Diplomacy
World Vision Virtual Jerusalem
The Jerusalem Center for Women (JCW)
The Jerusalem Forum (Jerusalemites)
Gush Shalom (The Peace Block)
Neve Shalom (Wahat al-Salam)
Bat Shalom (Israeli Women Activists)
Re'ut - Sadaka (Friendship)
Givat Haviva
Seeds of Peace
Art Action

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