
Guest Book
Adam "Humplick" Hendrick
Tyler "Horsecock" Maas
Josh "Wejo" Johnson
It all started way back in june of 2001. Tyler and Adam were fresh out of one of their many unsuccessful bands with a kid named Randy Rivet. The two of them joined forces with their friend, Josh. They were 3 young, supple, kids with a dream to play mediocre pop punk. They labored for many months, first in adam's basement. Then, they moved to Tyler's basement, back to Adam's and finally to Josh's house.Writing the best songs they could at the time,they completed a cluster of songs in mere months. They compiled a set to play and readied therselves for shows. And after 8 long months they actually began to play a few shows and do there best to show everyone a good time.They are happy with what they've been able to do in there short time and are poised to get better and, most importantly, to HAVE FUN!!! So next time you see a flier or hear about an upcoming show, come out and support these 3 suburban gangstas who like to call themselves....... Infinity & One!!! oh yeah a kid named PJ is in the band now too.