Construction has Begun for the New Friendship House Healing Center!

Read more about the new Healing Center or
view the progress.

Helen Waukazoo recieves 2003 SF Foundation Community Leadership Award

Friendship House is very proud to announce that our Executive Director, Helen Waukazoo, has been selected for a 2003 San Francisco Foundation Community Leadership Award. She was selected from a field of 220 nominations to receive this distinguished honor. The award honors her leadership and “dedication to building a culturally specific continuum of services for American Indians based on traditional healing concepts, including substance abuse treatment and prevention, job readiness, and leadership training, and for preserving American Indian cultural heritage, in the spirit of the Helen Crocker Russell Award, for improving the quality of life in the Bay Area.” The ceremony will take place on September 30, 2003.
Friendship House American Indian Healing Center Groundbreaking
Well over two hundred people came out to show their support of the new Friendship House American Indian Healing Center which took place on September 13th. We celebrated this historic day with friends, family, community members, respected elders, The Honorable Mayor Brown, Friendship House Staff, Board of Directors, and our Executive Director, Helen Waukazoo. Steve Darden graciously performed the Traditional Groundblessing Ceremony. Construction is set to begin in early 2003. Once construction begins, we invite you to watch the construction progress with us through our website.
Click here for FH Board President Ron Rowell's speech and Groundbreaking photos

Want to Help?

You can help play an important role in the construction of the Friendship House Healing Center. While Friendship House has acquired commitments of public financing to build this important community facility, we still need additional financial support to cover unanticipated expenses, cost overruns, and other emergency needs as the building progresses. We are asking for the support of individuals like you to help make this dream come true. Your tax-deductible contribution will ensure that the construction of this facility will be built on time.

Please send your check or money order to:

Friendship House Association of American Indians
333 Valencia Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94103-3547

Be sure to write "Building Fund" on your check.

You will receive in the mail from us additional information about this unique project, and your contribution will be acknowledged at our opening ceremonies. If you have a family member or a friend who has passed away as a result of alcohol or drug additions, you may contribute in that person's name and we will likewise acknowledge your gift in their memory.

For more information about this project, call the Friendship House at 415-865-0964



Friendship House
40th Anniversary Celebration

The Board of Directors and staff of Friendship are proud to announce the 40th Anniversary Celebration Fundraiser on October 11, 2003 was a huge success.
Please check back soon for details!

Congresswoman and House Minority Leader
Nancy Pelosi

In appreciation for her friendship and strong support over many years, Friendship House honors the esteemed Congresswoman and House Minority Leader, The Honorable Nancy Pelosi with a gift of Navajo pottery on April 14, 2003. Click to view pictures.

Highlights of 2002

Friendship House experienced so many successess in 2002 and we would like to share them with you. continue ->

Demolition is done!

The previous home of the Native American Health Center at 56 Julian was dismantled to make way for the new Friendship House Healing Center. Read more about the new Healing Center.


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