Home     ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SY 2009-2010

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  Evening Opportunity Class
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"Best PCPS School in Region VI"
PCs for Public Schools Project
Best Practice Awards 2005

evaluated by the Department of Trade & Industry
April 20, 2005

"Achieved the Accreditation-Level I Status"
Ford Foundation, Inc. - Project Sterling Silver
S.Y. 2003-2004

"SEAMEO SEARCA recipient
Adopt a School Program for Quality and Equity in Education"(2003)

"Most Effective Secondary School of the Philippines"
evaluated by the Department of Education 2001

"Model Secondary School of the Philippines"
evaluated by the SEI-DOST 2000

"An Empowered School"
cited by the Canadian Higher Education Group 2000

Much has been said about how the Philippines has lagged behind other Asian countries in terms of the quality of education in all levels, in the past few decades. Case studies on the country’s public high schools show an ailing system all the more hobbled by skeletal budgets, intense need for more infrastructures, a high demand for teacher improvement and other concerns.

Amidst this trying scenario, one high school stands out for its determined attempts to triumph above the crippling difficulties and hardships that commonly pervade public high schools throughout the Philippines. With its successes in the past 20 years, the Iloilo National High School, the country’s first provincial high School founded in 1902, has become a successful case of “the school that could”, and has served to inspire many who emulate it.

The school is situated on a 6 – hectare lot within the heart of Iloilo City. It is surrounded by huge Acacia trees which provide shaded areas within the campus. These trees were planted by the Thomasites, the first American teachers; and among these trees stand the monument of Francisco H. Jalandoni, the philanthropist who donated the lot which now serves as school grounds.

Being a public secondary school constrained by the budget limits and bureaucratic structure, the school head has to think of noble ways, so that the school could do something, and make a difference in the lives of students. Or else, it will be swept in the dust bin of mediocrities.

Through the years, the Iloilo National High School proved that though the task is tough but it is not impossible to make the school rank among the best, with the combined and sustained efforts of management, faculty, students and community.

The Iloilo National High School through the years.

It was cited by the Canadian Higher Education Group in the year 2000 as a Flagship of Excellence

It was cited by the Department of Science and Technology in the year 2000 as Model Secondary School of the Country

And in the year 2001 it was awarded by the Department of Education as the Most Effective Secondary School

In the year 2002 it became a member of South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization or SEAMEO regional coalition of schools on quality and equity in education.

The year after, in 2003, the school became a recipient of the SEAMEO-SEARCA adopt a school program for quality and equity in education.

And through the Ford Foundation, Inc., Project Sterling Silver, in the year 2004, the Iloilo National High School has achieved Accreditation Level I status

What Makes Things Happen at the Iloilo National High School?

When the Department of Science and Technology evaluated the school in 2002, they found that there are the four factors that make things happen at the Iloilo National High School.

First, the Principal’s proactive leadership and hands-on management

Second, the Teacher’s Pedagogical Competence and Commitment

Third, Students’ Drive for Excellence

And fourth, Community Esprit de Corps

A closer look at the leadership at the Iloilo National High School will show that the school has a unique leadership which exercises hands-on management and devices innovations to meet the pressing needs of students’ learning.

The first innovation is the schools within the school program where one would see the 8 schools initiated in cooperation with and with the approval of the Department of Education. The INHS has the Special Science Class, the School for the Arts, the School of the Future, the Special Class for Sports, Out of School Adult High School, the Evening Opportunity Class, the Non Formal Education and the Class for the Performing Arts.

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Iloilo National High School announces its schedule of enrolment activities for school year 2009-2010.

April  3-7    Summer Class Enrolment


                       Summer Permit

                        Parent’s Consent

                        Summer Fee


April  13        Start of Summer Class


April  13-17   Registration of Incoming First Year


                       2 pcs.  (1x1) ID Picture

                       Photocopy of Report Card with Gen. Average

                       Registration Fee


April 23-24    Incoming First Year Qualifying Exam


April 27-28    Registration of Transferees


                        2 pcs.  (1x1) ID Picture

                        Photocopy of Report Card with an average of 85% and above

                        Registration Fee


May 5               Qualifying Exam for Transferees


May 8               Posting of First Year Qualifying Exam Results


May 14              Posting of Transferees Qualifying Exam Results


May 11              Start of SOF Interview


May 15              Releasing of SOF Qualifiers Result


May 25             Enrolment (First Year to Fourth Year)


________          Enrolment of Transferees

________          Posting of Section List

_______          Classes Starts



For more information, please contact the Guidance Office 320 0160 or email us at iloilonhs_ph@yahoo.com.