The 1999 Philippine Clean Air Act
R. A. 8749

- Relevant provisions of R.A.8749                                            - Implementing parties of PCAA
- Fuel Standards                                                                          - View the PowerPoint Presentation
- Motor vehicle Emission Standards

      The 1999 Philippine Clean Air Act was finally enacted into law in June this year as Republic Act 8749, after several years' debate in both the Senate and the House of Rep-resentatives .  In this Section, I have included only about half of the provisions that dealt mainly with state environmental policies, motor vehicle pollution, fuels & additives, and corresponding fines and penalties. The  left out-portions covered industrial and/or sta-tionary sources of pollution, including medical wastes and incinerators.

    The clear intent of the Clean Air Act  is to bring the citizenry into a national coope-rative and self-regulatory effort to clean the air we now breath,   and to  ensure that our children will continue to enjoy the same.    The measures to be adopted are meant to be preventive  rather than corrective, with everyone voluntarily cooperating with  the gover-nment rather than it coercing  the citizenry.  Now that the law's in place, let's see how successful we are  in taking care of our environment --  GUYS,  IT'S  REALLY ALL UP TO US ! ... Happy compliance !

   For those who find provisions of the above-Act too "legalese" and tedious reading, though, I 've prepared a summary  below which includes a short section on  health hazards of motor vehicle pollution.  I  would  also recommend that you guys   pls. read the links on  Automotive Fuels  and  Catalytic Converters    for a more-thorough discussion of these topics.

    Otherwise, you may want to return to my Homepage  ;or,   link to  the new Seat Belt Law ,  get  FREE car/truck maintenance tips , or simply share  perspectives  with me on the wherewithals of the service and transport industries.

      Here's the latest on the Clean Air Act.  Just ( /) click below for the specific provisions of the Act.

Page 1  -  Introduction to the 1999 Clean Air Act
Page 2  - Objectives of the law & rights of citizens

Page 3  -  Definition of terms

Page 4  -  Definitions2 (continued)

Page 5  -  Definitions3 (continued)

Page 6  - Air Quality Management System (AQMS)

Page 7  - Air Quality Plans

Page 8  - Air Sheds/AQ Governing Board

Page 9  - Air Quality Control techniques

Page 10- Ambient Air Quality Values, Guidelines & Standards

Page 11- Air Standards (continued)

Page 12- Funding, R & D

Page 13- Pollution from Motor Vehicles

Page 14- Motor Vehicle Pollution (continued)

Page 15- Regulation of Motor Vehicles & Engines

Page 16- Second-hand Engines; Pollution from other Sources; Fuels, Additives, Substances & Pollutants

Page 17- Fuel pollutants (continued)

Page 18-Leaded & Unleaded Gasolines; Other Pollutants

Page 19-Fines & Penalties

Page 20-Fines (continued)

Page 21-Penalties for Gross Violations

Fuel Standards

      A.  Gasoline - Within 18 mos. gasoline should have an Anti-Knock Index (AKI) of
                                 87.5 or greater, with a  Reid vapor pressure of 9 lbs. per sq. in,                                   (PSI) or   less.
                              - Leaded gasoline will be phased out within the 18-month period.
                              - Unleaded gasoline to contain (w/in 6 mos. ) a max. of 45% aromatics
                                 by volume & 4 % benzene;  and, by year 2003, reduced to only  35%
                                 aromatics & 2% benzene by volume.

    B.  Diesel fuel - Within 18 mos. sulfur content of diesel fuel reduced to 0.20% by
                                 weight ;
                                 and, to 0.05% (by wt.) by year 2004.
                                - Cetane Number or Index shall be 48 or higher,  w/in 18 mos.

      Motor Vehicle Emission Standards

Effective year 2003, the following shall be the limits of pollution coming from motor vehicles:
Tailpipe Emission Pollutants Light Vehicles Light Commercial
Category 1: 1250kg. < RW
Category 2: 1250 <RW<1700
Category 3: RW > 1700 kg.
Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Carbon Monoxide-CO (g/km.)        2.72 Category  1 - 2.72 
Category  2 -  5.17
Category   3 -  6.90
Hydrocarbon/Nitrogen Oxides
-HC + NOX(g/km.)
       0.97 Category  1 -    0.97
Category  2 -    1.40
Category  3 -    1.70
    HC - 1.1 
    NO - 8.0
Particulate Matter-PM (g/km.) 
       0.14 Category  1 -   0.14 
Category  2 -   0.19 
Category  3 -    0.25
Note 1:  PM Limits apply to compression-ignition engines only.
Note 2: For heavy-duty vehicles with engines of 85 KW or less rating, the limit value for particulate emssions
             is increased by multiplying the quoted limit by a coefficient of 1.7.

       In addition, spark-ignition engines (read: gasoline) should not spew into the atmosphere evaporative HC at not more than 2.0 gms./test,  and its closed crankcase ventilation system must  not be leaking . The rest of the other anti-pollution devices (catalytic converters, exh-aust recirculation system, etc.) shall be covered by implementing rules and regulations (IRR) to be drafted by the DENR-DOTC-DOST tandem.

Implementing Parties of the Clean Air Act

   The Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is  the lead agency in the implementation of the law, with its Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) being devolved into a line bureau. Several other agencies are participating, namely:

Activity(ies) Cooperating Parties/Agencies

A.  Fuel quality specs & commerce
Oil companies/DoE/DOST/DTI/BPS
B.  Engines & Emission Standards; commerce  Assemblers & distributors/Vehicle Importers/DOTC-LTO/DTI
C. Motor Vehicle Registrations/Testing Standards/Shops
     Accreditation/Training/Veh. Maint. Standards, etc.
DOTC-LTO/DTI/Accredited private training and testing centers
& facilities.
D. Apprehensions for violators; corrective measures DOTC-LTO/MMDA & LGUs; accredited m.v. shops
E.  Regular Vehicle Maintenance  Private vehicle owners/fleet operators; accredited shops & technicians.
