Welcome to Interlake Wild Boar Co-op Ltd.  


Interlake Wild Boar
Co-op Ltd.

Co-op profile

The InterlakeWild Boar Co-op, serves to assist in both the marketing of wild boar and information exchange among producers


Characteristics of wild boar

The original range of wild boar was Eurasia and North Africa - from Ireland to Japan and southern Scandinavia to Egypt

Raising wild boar
Wild boar are naturally hardy permiting them to be raised without medication.

Marketing wild boar
Markets are still in the developmental stages. Efforts are require to expand markets past farmgate sales.

Wild boar - a healthy, flavorful choice

Main page

Wild boar - a healthy, flovorful choice

Wild boar meat is one of the lowest cholesterol meats on the market. Because wild boar are raised in a natural setting, they grow slowly producing a very lean carcass low in cholesterol. The meat is much darker and of a denser composition than pork. The leanness of wild boar cuts makes them suited to cooking at lower temperatures and with moisture or marinades. Wild boar should be cooked to an internal temperature of between 160 & 170 F. Avoid overcooking. Wild boar is excellant barbecued. Prepared properly, wild boar is flavorful and exceedingly tender. Wild boar also makes tasty sausage, jerky and ground meat products.

For questions and comments,
e-mail us at interlakewildboar@yahoo.ca

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