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All publications by Janice L. Dennie are available online at Amazon.com.


Princess Makeda grieves as Zagwe warriors storm through
her beloved Sheba, forcing her to seek a political alliance...
And she suffers humiliation by the handsome King Solomon
who would offer her marriage in exchange for protection...Even
though she fears being cast into his harem of seven hundred
wives, she aches to know the rapture of his tender kiss.

For the first time ever, powerful King Solomon has been
conquered, and by the defiant and beautiful Queen of Sheba.
He must have the sensuous enchantress who resists his
remedy for the alliance she seeks. And he will risk life itself
to protect the woman who has pierced his heart with a tender
love that he cannot deny.


Prince Johannas of Ethiopia is torn apart by the escalating
civil war in his country. Knowing a new constitution will end
the war, he comes to the U.S. to finish the precious document.
He never expects, however, to meet the woman of his dreams,
especially when a deadly accident throws her literally at his feet.

Shana Zachary has given up on relationships in general, men
in specific, and doesn't intend to change her mind...until danger
and intrigue force her to choose love.

The ISBN for Moon Goddess is 0964334917.

The ISBN for The Lion of Judah is 0964334909.

Note to readers: Moon Goddess was erroneously awarded the Career Achievement Nominee Tag by Romantic Times. ALL the authors posted within a four month period came up with a Career Achievement tag. It was a mistake that has been corrected.

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