Submit your beautiful WWTD tribute handicrafts via email to me! Bracelets, t-shirts, painters caps, chastity belts, dunce they say in Poltergeist: ALL ARE WELCOME!

Few people know the dark secret of Till Lindemann, but I'll reveal it here as the sort of High Priestess of this dangerous cult. The man can NOT get enough of simple crochet crafts. It's true. Only last year he threw together some great plant holders and fashionable belts to give the rest of the band for Christmas. He finds it keeps his mind and fingers nimble, and pleasurably soft for the ladies. Ask him about it next time you get him drunk at a TGI Fridays. Courtesy of LEA.

From Megan we have a delicious hemp and metal bracelet. HEMP AND METAL, with a hint of 'baby bracelet' thrown in. Babies, drugs, jewelry and metal. That's what Till is all about, really.

If you don't mind me saying so...HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THIS? Answer me. ANSWER.

The Answer is - cooler than a penguin's foot in serbia. According to my Irish affiliates these t-shirts were worn (atop some very nice asses) to a recent Rammstein show.

Which brings me to my next question: When is Till going to read this site and send me some sort of major award? I mean Jesus Mary and Joseph, I could be doing something productive right working out...but Till knows all about letting that stuff slide. Just Kidding. Oh MY GOD am I kidding

More to come....

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