Hello all! This is another website created by me on 15th August 2003.
In this website you will find a lot of fun. funky and funny stuff to browse through.

By the way, do you understand what does the logo means? Its
actually 2 letters 'J' and 'D'. JD means Jason Ding which is my name.
Copyright © by Jason Ding
Find out the truth about Pimples
How to cure acne...

12 November 2003

yo yO yO!!
NeW FUN PiCS sECtioN uPdATed..
pLEaSe clicK
heRE tO SEE!

todAY wEnt tO meGamaLL tO
LOoK foR the ORiginaL VCD
oF Ju-On ..the jaPaneSE hoRROR
MOviE...wenT to PAraDe aND
GiaNt aND pARksoN aLSO,
aLL finisH seLLIng..no mORE.
sO I dunnO where tO fIND...
