Bizarre - High Heels

1) A Review of "Heikes Heels Page" Website
2) Cathie Jung
3) Spook
4) All Metal High Heel Shoes <<<< ADDED May 8, 2005

A Review of "Heikes Heels Page" Website

In this world, there are norms and extremes with nearly everything. Heike's web site involves the extreme, i.e. extremely high heels. It is a German site that was started in 1999 and renovated late last year. The new website is more esthetically pleasing to look at.

I first visited Heike's original web site last year, via a link on the "Creating a High heeled Woman" website. What I saw frightened me very much. It was like looking at unwrapped Chinese bound feet.

Heike showed pictures of a particular training device that locked down the feet and legs of some individual and the results afterwards. The feet appear to be bent out of shape and the foot arches are very high and across the entire feet. Such arches are difficult to balance on and can not support an over-weighted person.

You can view these pictures, that have been archived on another website, by clicking on Heikes Old (1999) Web Page

What attaches the many bones in the feet and legs are ligaments, muscles, and other connective tissues. It may be possible for some people to get more flexibility in their feet by using stretching devices. However, it is also possible to overstretch and even, tear these connective tissues. It is similar to breaking a chicken leg or wing.

If any connective tissue is overstretched, it may not contract back into its normal shape and the person can end up unable to walk normally in low heels. Also, if the stretching device is being administered by another person, it is very possible to tear some ligaments and the person can end up unable to walk at all (without crutches).

So, as indicated elsewhere on this website, we are fully against using any stretching devices. However, there are obviously people who will not see or heed this warning. If they use stretching devices, then hopefully they do so carefully.

Heike's new web site offers some of the most bizarre stuff involving high heels that I seen so far. This involves numerous pictures, MPG's or video clips, and training information using stretching devices to wear mega-heels or the highest of high heels

Heikes Heels Page
Click here to visit Heikes Heels Page.

Cathie Jung

Cathie Jung usually wears 5 inch or so high stiletto pumps, when she is at public events or posing for pictures. There is nothing unusual with that, but there are three reasons for giving her a place on my Bizarre web page.

First, Mrs. Jung also has the world's smallest waist. She received recognition by Guinness World Records in 1999 for having a 15 inch (or 38.1 cm) waist from using Victorian corsets 24 hours a day.

Second, Mrs. Jung is in her middle age years. Although she started narrowing her waist 12 years ago (as reported in 1999), she began only after raising her children along with her husband George Jung, a physician. I find it totally unusual for any middle age woman to do something like this. George and Cathie were interested in all Victorian things, including dressing themselves up in Victorian-style clothing.

Third, there are some people including orthopedic surgeons who believe that high heels cause back problems. However, I have never been convinced of this.

While it is well known that standing up in high heels makes the buttock stick out by about 25% more, I see the entire natural curve of the spine become more enhanced and beautiful looking. Also, I have known many young, middle aged and old aged women, who wear high heels and neither mentioned nor seemed to have back problems.

Furthermore, there are many women and men who never wear high heels and get back problems. Most women and men experience back problems from time to time, sooner or later.

With all of this in mind, I find it absolutely intriguing at how Mrs. Jung's back and tiny waist seem to have been unaffected by the high heels. George and Cathie are reportedly still attending international corset events.

Click on the following links here to see some stunning and beautiful pictures of Cathie Jung. Also, click on the individual pictures containing her legs to enlarge the pictures and see her high heels.


Spook is a lovely young woman who is into wearing super or ultra high heels. There are three reasons for giving her a place on my Bizarre web page.

First, Spook had small size 6 1/2 feet, that she made into smaller size 5 1/2 feet via a feet training device similar to that used by Heike.

Second, Spook also wears ballet boots, as they provide her with the highest possible heel to wear without platforms. She does not like platforms. Ballet boots are purely fetish clothing and too bizarre for normal use.

However, Spook is into wearing her ballet boots 24/7 (i.e., 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and wants her tendons to become shortened for wearing them all of the time. Seeing what Spook has done to her waist, I have no doubt that she can achieve any goal with high heels.

I suggest that she contact Guinness World Records (at ) and try to have them establish a record for "Longest Time Wearing Ballet Boots" at perhaps, a week or so. It would be an awesome accomplishment.

It is my understanding that ballet boots can be quite difficult and painful to walk in. Ballet boots also place severe restrictions as to where one can walk. It is impossible or very difficult to walk up and down hills in them, let alone down staircases.

Third, Spook has matched Cathie Jung with the world's smallest waist. Spook is also into wearing Victorian corsets 24/7.

Click here to visit Spook's website.

Note: it is sometimes, difficult to get to Spook's "corset" and "high heel" websites, probably due to network traffic problems. Keep trying at different times of the day. They are definitely worth a look.

Spook offers some of her personal tips on wearing high heels and corsets on her website. I disagree with only one of her points. She states "My goal in foot training is to wear heels permanently. Or at least permanently until i get tired of them and stretch my tendons back out to wear flats again.".

Unfortunately, the calf muscles and Achilles tendons can "really" become permanently shortened. For information regarding "permanently shortened calf muscles and Achilles tendons", see my Problems web page.

It is impossible to tell when shortening will become permanent for Spook, as there are too many factors involved. I can only assure Spook that if she continues to wear her ballet boots 24/7, the time will eventually come when she will be unable to wear any heels lower than than her 8 inch ballet heels and maybe, her 5 1/2 inch heel regular boots. This is because her ballet boots will not allow her to stretch her legs out often enough.

While I do not currently know of anyone who is stuck wearing ballet boots all of the time, I strongly suspect that Spook's calf muscles will also undergo some atrophy with ballet boots. The bulge in her calf muscles, while standing, will gradually disappear.

Calf muscles are compressed or shortened into their shortest size with ballet boots. So, Spook will not be able to use the calf muscles much, if she wears ballet boots all of the time.

Calf muscle atrophy was normal for women with Chinese bound feet. Their legs, below the knees, were always slim.

I do not want to discourage (nor encourage) Spook (or anyone else) from doing her thing. I never like to tell anyone what to do (or what not to do) with their life. However, I am concerned enough to point out what might possibly happen.

If Spook continues to wear her ballet boots 24/7, I wish her the best of luck. Also, for her own sake, Spook should be certain that she is willing to wear high heels for the rest of her life, in case she ends up having to. Hopefully, she is also the kind of woman who really loves high heels and enjoys wearing them.

In regards to wearing high heels permanently, Spook's choice of ballet boots is oddly an excellent one. Ballet boots usually have tight ankles. High heel shoes with ankle straps and boots with tight ankles help support and protect shortened Achilles tendons and ankles. They function like ankle wraps.

.... i'd like to make a correction if i may...i'm not looking to shorten the tendons. i keep flexible.. i just want to be *able* to wear the ballets 24/7 should i choose to. there's no reason for me to damage myself to achieve this. ....

spook - 11 Dec 2001

Dear Spook,

You wrote on your FAQs page "Eventually i'll be able to wear ballet boots all the time when i go out, that's my goal for the heels. The actual result will be that the tendons will shorten and eventually i won't be able to wear anything but heels unless i keep that flexibility up." Also, you wrote on your FAQs page that you wear "nothing below 5" heels" "24-7 except in the shower".

According to the Encarta World English Dictionary, "24/7" means "all the time: constantly or around the clock". So, I interpreted what you wrote to mean that you wanted your tendons to become shortened.

Thank you for clarifying all of this. I am glad that you want to keep flexible and do not want to damage yourself. To keep flexible, it may help to carefully stretch and check the calf muscles daily.

J.J. - December 23, 2001

All Metal High Heel Shoes

Hello JJ! I am writing in response to your October 2004 communication with Gabriel re the stainless steel "6 inch heels forever" torture devices. I won't go into my being a crossdresser/slave to my Wife Carla other than to say it was my fantasy to be "forced" to endure high heels. To say I had a fetish for them is putting it mildly! After viewing my many internet and magazine drawings of slaves in various wild high heel designs, I was happy to see that Carla found the steel ones in one fantasy story the most comical. Basically it was a fictional story about she-male slaves sent to a castle on an island for a lifetime of sexual slavery and one of the first things that happened to each of them was, you guessed it, they had metal high heel pumps welded to their feet permanently. This drove both of us wild! It was too bad we agreed real ones didn't exist. Well, in time, word of what she and I were into got around the office and one day one of the comapny owner's confronted her about our "interesting hobby". In short, he was very intrigued at what we were up to and made us a few propositions. Within a few weeks I was now a slave to both Carla and John. One night she told him all about my "love" for high heels torture and the steel ones. He shocked the living shit out of both of us when he announced they indeed did exist and so long as Carla agreed to give him the keys to the shoes (which would be on me!) he would foot the bill for them.

After months, they arrived! The biggest difference in the pair that we recieved and the photo was in the rear strap as it was shorter than pictured. As it turned out both the ankle strap and arch strap needed to be modified and off to a welder friend on John's we went. How absolutely humiliating it was standing in the shop, in front of the two welding guys and office girl as they toyed and measured. A weeks later we got them back on me they went. They were fun for about the first ten minutes! I was blindfolded and led to something downstairs in John's den/party room. I could feel didfenerent things being clipped to my waistbelt and the blindfold was removed. I was attached to a treadmill! as Carla and John enjoyed a few drinks among other things on the couch, I was introduced to true and extreme high heels torture. The toe bar felt as if it was cutting my foot in half, my toe muscles were in unbelievable pain and the more i shifted my weight around, the more i wiggled amusingly for them. After an hour of this I was out of service as far as wlaking was concerned! Or so I thought. That ordeal began on a Friday evening and it was late Sunday I was released from them. Yes, I was required to bathe and shave with them on! It was Wednesday that I was able to return to work and with limited mobilty at that. I, like Gabriel, am in search of shoes that are a bit more bearable.

I was told about two weeks ago that John is planning a weeklong "pool party" at his summer residence in late June and that I had best be prepared to in them "for the duration" as I will be the waitress for his dozen or so guests. Personally I don't think it'll be possible to survive them things again!.

toni l - 28 Apr 2005

You are very lucky to have a wife and company owner, who allow you to do something so BIZARRE.

<< The biggest difference in the pair that we recieved and the photo was in the rear strap as it was shorter than pictured. As it turned out both the ankle strap and arch strap needed to be modified and off to a welder friend on John's we went. How absolutely humiliating it was standing in the shop, in front of the two welding guys and office girl as they toyed and measured. >>

As you know, Gabriel said the "6 Inch Heels Forever" all stainless steel high heel shoes were of "very poor quality". You should write a complaint letter to the vendor and demand a partial refund for the short straps.

It seems to me that the vendor may be trying to save money by using less stainless steel. The vendor should try to make a higher quality product (and charge more, if necessary) because good reviews will get them more orders.

Also, one can always try to include special instructions with their orders as to what is expected. This can include detailed measurements of the feet and ankles, as if ordering customized shoes.

<< The toe bar felt as if it was cutting my foot in half, my toe muscles were in unbelievable pain and the more i shifted my weight around, the more i wiggled amusingly for them. >>

Properly-fitted leather high heel sandals are usually very comfortable in terms of the toe straps. That is because leather toe straps are a bit flexible and soft, i.e. they can stretch and bend a little according to the shape of the wearer's feet.

Unfortunately, ordinary stainless steel is harder and less flexible than leather. Ordinary stainless steel toe straps need to be shaped with perfect contours or curves that match the feet that wear them. Also, the edges need to be thick and smooth enough to not cut skin. It seems that the vendor already encountered this problem and noted their "wide toe strap is not recommended" with their Style 1 (slippers) and Style 4 (platform sandals) stainless steel shoes.

Also, it appears that the vendor developed the L-shaped toe bars and arch straps as an alternative to keep the feet inside the shoes. However, I am not surprised that the L-shaped toe bars are so painful.

If the shoes did not have the arch straps, the L-shaped toe bars would have really cut your feet in half. That is because high heels put tremendous pressure (from body weight) onto the front part of each foot.

In my opinion, the vendor needs to use thick stainless steel wires or thick stainless steel mesh material (that are more flexible) in making their toe straps. Of course, they would have to special order such material from their metal supplier at additional cost.

<< That ordeal began on a Friday evening and it was late Sunday I was released from them. >>

Two days is a "long time period of time" to wear such torture devices.

If I was you, I would not wear those shoes anymore because of very high probability of permanent damage to the feet by those L-shaped toe bars. (If you sustain permanent damage, you won't want to wear high heels ever again.) Alternatively, I might try to experiment and get very thick wire toe straps added to the shoes. The wires must be thick enough (perhaps, like coat hanger wire??? or thicker???) so that they do not cut through skin. Another alternative might be to wrap lots of first aid tape firmly around the feet and shoes, where toe straps would normally be (hoping the first aid tape will function as a toe strap.)

J.J. - May 8, 2005

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All About Wearing High Heels

This page was last edited on June 20, 2007.
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